Im in the mood for a Ben Mendelsohn film tonight, Mama says she may watch, Pops has said he wants Scifi, so unless we go ready player one which is on sky cinema quite a lot at the moment we are becoming one with the force tonight.
Popcorn Synopsis for you all
Galen Erso, his wife & daughter are farming, when Orson Krennic arrives to ask for help for a special project. Galen says his family are dead & wont join the project. Unfortunately at that exact moment his wife arrives, she is killed & Galen is taken hostage. There daughter Jyn runs off & hide with a lamp & a crystal which presumably brings the luck & force of a jedi with it, before being rescued, by a mysterious man.
Many years later Jyn is freed from prison by Cassian & K2S0, a droid, & taken by the resistance to see when she last spoke to her father. Turns out Krennic works for the emperor & the empire & is Galen is the chief engineer on the death star, however he has sent a defecting pilot a message about the death star. Unfortunately this pilot while deffecting is attempting to find Saw Gerrera or Jedha, but is taken hostage by them while trying to deliver the message. Turns out Gerrera was the one who rescued Jyn all those years ago, & they want her to be the mediator to get the message. She Cassian & the K2S0 head to Jedha, to find the message & make contact. Cassian has a different objective though, to kill Galen if he finds him.
After meeting Baze & Chirrut (who still believes in the force) & have a battle with some stormtroopers, they are taken captive & find Garrera. There Jyn is played the message from her Father, about the flaw in the death star & where his base is. They also find the pilot. However Krennic, with his death star wishes to test it, & knowing that the pilot is there & that they no longer need the resources from the city, decides to cause a ripple effect attack on the planet. It works & the rebels escape with the pilot, but Gerrera remains & dies with his city. Krennic is then told by Tarkin, a higher member of the empire, that he is no longer in charge of the death star, due to the leaked information. Krennic knowing there is a mole, heads to Eadu where the death star was built to find out who did it. The rebels arrive at the same time to save Galen, but Cassian still has orders to kill him. Galen admits he is the mole, but Krenic still orders his team to be executed. Cassian decides not to kill Galen, but realises Jyn is trying to save him, as further rebels are attacking the base. Galen dies in Jyns arms & tells her to stop the empire.
Jyn & the remaining rebels argue on the way back to the rebel base & accuses Cassian of being disloyal, but he points out he has lost everything to the empire.
Back at the Rebel base Jyn tries to encourage the rest of the rebels to go to the empires stronghold of Scarif where all their plans & projects are, but the council won’t fully back her. Cassian, KS20 & other rebels agree, that this last shot might be worth it, & fly off to Scraif without the councils permission with the pilot, to get the death star plans.
Krennic meanwhile has been to see Darth Vader, who tells him the death star “doesnt exist” but is happy with the vessel, before force choking him putting him in his place. The Rebels arrive on Scarif & Cassian, Jyn & KS20 (who was originally an imperial droid) sneak into the base, while the remaining rebels fight the empire. This triggers a message to the rest of the rebellion to see what’s going on & fly off to Scarif, but not before Krennic seals the planet meaning no one can get in or out & that the rebels can’t send a message. The Rebels put up a brave fight in the air & on the beach but ultimately almost everyone is killed, including Chirrut. Baze sits with him in the end & uses the force which he never believed, to turn on a radio, so the outside world can hear the rebels. Baze & the pilot in doing this also die.
KS20 sacrifices himself to make sure Jyn & Cassian can get to the storage vault with noone else in there. They find the file & start to climb the building to the roof for the signal, but Krennic shoots Cassian making him fall into the abyss. Jyn then reaches the satellite at the top of the building as the rebels crash into & destroy an imperial war ship which breaks the security around the planet allowing ships in & out. Jyn then is stopped by Krennic before sending the message, only for Cassian to save her by shooting him. She sends the message & it is sent to the rebels. However as this happens Tarkin, now in command of the death star, arrives & attacks the planet, killing everyone on the base including Krennic, who is still on the building, & Jyn & Cassian, who are on the beach expressing how proud Galen would be of them & hoping someone got there message. The Rebel fleet is then attacked, & Darth Vader takes out the majority of the ship’s crew, but one ship escapes with the message from Jyn about the death star. it is handed to its new commander, who is revealed to be princess Leia who, when asked what she has been given in the message, replies hope.
I am one with the Force & the Force is one with me & my typing of that synopsis.
I made that sound like i was supporting the bad guy didnt i… my bad. Lets start with Ben then shall we. This is what has made Ben the new go to bad guy actor it really has. That isnt a criticism oh no. He is just to good at being bad & it genuinely makes me smile when he is being so evil. I can feel it in my jellies. The cape help ohman does that cape help.
However that being said, his scene with Darth Vader is just soooooooooooooooooo iconic. Its brilliant, especially when you know that he had no idea Darth Vader was going to walk out of that door & the sheer look of panic on his face. Hes not acting. The greatest bad guy of all time, the monster who gave you nightmares as a child is walking towards you. My lord is busy doing his dealing & putting him in his place. I mean just the whole he got him out of his bath to deal with him is just like say what. & the force choke as well oh thats special.
The best bit of the film is that Vader takes out all those rebels at the end. That is such a highlight of this film & you just sit there & even if you are like oh star wars should be left how it is we dont need the gaps sequels & prequels etc. You watch Darth arrive & everything turn red & you get goosebumps every time. He is going to kill everyone & not care who gets in his way. Its brilliant. If you dont get shivers watching that you are a droid.
Seaking of Droids KS20 is my kinda droid, like R2 is classic & BB8 is beautiful but KS20 & Alan Tudyk sarcastic responses are just so me. MY spirit animal is here (in droid form). He also get to deliver the icon star wars line of I’ve got a bad feeling about this, well he attempts to before Cassian shuts him up.
I also like that in amongst all of these hollywood stars & this big franchise & all of these things going on, Jordan from the Rizzle Kicks (local lads done good) is a apart of the rebel team that goes to Scarif & he actually has lines. Proof that you can make it peoples. Get down with those trumpets & live it up peoples.
Another thing i cant ever get my head around is the Riz Ahmed is in all these films too. Okay that is a bit more believable that a Rizzle Kick, however when the day comes that Riz is picking up an oscar (it will happen people) he will still be the guy who blew himself up in boots after singing topload in his van at 10am in the morning.
Right back to the film then. sorry got distracted by all of that.
People dont like the slow build up in this film, but because the Scarif scene is so epic & the battle is huge, you just kinda sit there & go yea it needed the slowness & the drawing out to get to that, otherwise you would just be so shattered before the Jyn Krennic stare off at the end. Just image the toll on your body We now understand why the final avengers film was in two parts, it just ruins you.
It is odd that one message from her dad makes Jyn go from oh whatever, to wanting to lead the rebellion herself. I mean yea love is weird but come on. Thats a hell of a 180 in 20mins or so isnt it.
Why did the emperor make Darth Vader live on his volcano planet on the mustafar system where he got all melted & set fire too. Thats like saying oh you know that car that you drove & it broke your legs when you crashed it, yea your still driving it to work everyday & the only way it will move is if you uses yous cast to work the clutch. Nope not on no wonder Darth was so angry.
I understand if the death star can destroy a planet instantly that is worth using, but why the hell did it have other features like this ripple effect? i mean yes it was to send a message & its showing how far technology has come, but thats a much better way of destroying stuff then just blowing it all up. Giving them hope to escape & Then crushing it is much better. Oh god ive gone dark here havent i sorry. Lets lighten it up slightly, when they are on the beach & its coming towards them is sooooooooooo beautiful & lovely, its really emotional.
The technology of the design bringing people back from the dead & adding bits from the original ones was amazing, it really was. When we saw it in the cinema this film, when Leia said hope it was the day after Fisher died & it was beautiful that she had the last word of it & that was her final line. It really does show how far its all come.
Still doesnt mean you can enjoy an old favourite. All the of vehicles fighters & weapons were all classic star wars that you all grew up wanting to be in or fight in or hear go whoosh one more time. So happy they kept with them & just jazzed a few up a bit.
When Baze sits with Chirrut as he dies having never believed in the force is one of those life affirming moments. He had always thought his friend was lucky, but in the final moments of need to reassure his friend as he died, he spoke those words & completed their part of the mission before joining him in death & being noble. That is true friendship i really hope my friends would do that for me too.
We do go to a lot of planets & places that we are never going to go to again in this universe for all of 20 seconds to then be told ah you now dont need this information again. Other than Scarif & the rebel base im not sure if anywhere else is mentioned in this film at all which is going to be of real help with the rest of the star wars universe.
Senator Organa says he trusts Leis with his life… ha that goes down well, famous last words maty.
Its not ruined by the fact that you know how it ends before it starts either. We all know that its going to end with a built death star, rebel sacrifices & Darth hunting down his daughter. So unless you are watching them in story order, its not a huge surprise at the end. But its so well done that you are sitting there wondering i wonder if anyone does get out of this & where these people are in here.
Its a really good film. I do understand why some people go this isnt needed, we dont need this film, but it fits in perfectly with the rest of star wars & there arent too many things whey you think oh hang on (maybe the hypes space tracking file but we know this now not then). Its well worth a watch if you know nothing of it too, its a good stand alone space journey which end with a n epic show down.
So this should tickle most peoples fancy. Give it a shot if you havent seen it people. You will enjoy it.
I am one with the force & the force is one with me.