Nolan master class time. This is going to be so interesting to try & tell you what happens in this film, because honestly it is all over the place, but in the most Nolan way possible. Lets try this people at, at least it may make you want to watch it??? maybe…
Popcorn Synopsis for you all… oh man this is going to be very hard indeed, Nolan trying to explain it is weird enough (one of the best videos ever btw go find it).
Leonard Shelby after an attack, which also resulted in the abuse rape & murder of his wife, now suffers from Alzheimer’s. He can remember everything before his accident, in extreme detail but nothing afterwards for more than a few minutes. He therefore gets tattoos of clues & take Polaroid’s of information so he can retrace his steps to find his wife’s killer. The story is told in colour going backwards starting with him getting revenge for his wife’s death & killing the man responsible. The scenes in black & white are from the start of the film, include him talking to someone who will help him find the killer, as he explains that the Alzheimer’s case has been known before with someone else which he failed to notice before the attack which lead to it. Along the way in colour going backwards in time, we piece together how he found his killer & who the people are who helped him on the way to this. Eventually the film ends with the black & white expostional part of the film moving into the colour of what has happened in the film, so that you learn how long before he killed the guy, that it was the guy who did who was always helping him out. The film ends with Leonard’s colour scenes becoming clear & him going now where was I.
I think I made that more complicated than it needed to be but honestly I don’t care that’s my best attempt at it. Let me know what you think Nolan did that make sense?
So Guy Pearce (my mate {ask mama popcorn why}) is just unbelievably in this film. Playing someone completely not with it at all & someone so coherent. I really hope Nolan let him film it in the correct order or as close to doing it as possible without jumping in between. Its one hell of a performance & should be talked about for ages. You really do feel for him throughout & want him to succeed in his quest even though the opening of the film tells you that he does. You still sitting there throughout watching the way people treat him & exploit him & you want him to learn & gain knowledge throughout.
The editing on the film is stunning it really is. The idea that you swap between the past & the future, gives you the idea that you too are going hang on what was that what did i miss, which order was that in. The difference between the black & white & the colour too is just so bold & out there to explain the differences & how they merge at the end. Its a true work of art by Nolan.
I love the polaroid idea its really brilliant & clever, that these & his tattoos are now his memories & clues to his life future & past. His little notes too about not trusting Lies or Natalie will be kind & will help you are so lovely.
It is weird that you do know the ending of the film from the first glimpse of it. That really is weird, that you are building up to the middle. Its gone yay the bad guy is dead whoop. & then you along with him piece it all together to try & work out how we got here.
The flashbacks to his previous life & the other claim are sweet & i really did feel for them in that story. It was so sad & i was sitting here crying watching the other case going oh god no as the horrors unfolded about the previous cases wife & how she basically had to go into a coma to prove a point. Its heart breaking.
I wonder if it would be so gripping in the correct order, im not sure it would be but i think that is the genius of Nolan. You sit there willing to go on whatever wild adventure hes going to take you through in time & just get on board with it.
This really isnt going to be some people’s cuppa tea at all. If you think Inception is to complicated you will hate this you really will. Bur i get Inception (greatest movie of all time) & i get Nolan & i think this is one of the most important art films ever made & once youve watched it you want to hide this film & make it your own little Memento & keep it to yourself, yet you still want to shout about it.
Basically in Nolan i trust & its a masterpiece & we can all learn so much from this film & the way its made & the story it tells. Brilliant.