Sunday Robin Hood
Monday Oscar Watch
Tuesday Parasite
Wednesday Dolittle
Thursday Birds of Prey
Friday…. havent decided yet
Yea thats how my weeks shaping up to be. Time for the Wednesday fix peoples. Dolittle which is on my hitlist for the year, but i’ve not heard its not all that. Well lets see it then i can judge it, thats the point right….
Trailers we had Onward (yep up for that) Mulan (yep) Sonic (probably monday), My Spy (yes) Trolls ( probably) & Call to the Wild (depends when it on. I’ve had enough of kids films having sooooooo many adverts these day & trailers its not good i feel sorry for them. They dont need all of that shoved in there faces every time they go to the cinema.
There was about 30 people in the cinema with me. Mainly family set ups or groups of teenagers . I do believe i was the only odd one. Could be wrong but i think that was the case.
& then the films started… & thats the end of my review thanks for reading hope you got all the good information from it. Oh man why the hell did that fail on basically every single level.
Lets talk about the good bit first that made me laugh uncontrollable for a good 5 minutes & was the best bit of the entire film. Michael Sheen’s character was called Blair…. Ok you can stop laughing now. That was bloody hilarious & the fact he had the government around his finger & wasnt on the queens good side was so funny. Best bit of the film, the actual only reason to see this film. Oh & John Cenas Polar Bear covering his face all the time as in you cant see me. In jokes that go straight over the kids heads.
It was like universal told all these people they were going to be in this amazing film, with this epic adventure & cgi & this brilliant tale & then they all turned up & went okay so now what & they then oh no thats it thats our plan & thats what we are going to make. We have no other plan to this at all thats it & then everyone had signed up to it & couldn’t get out of it.
Robert does his best to try & hold it all together but that Welsh accent is bad & the only relationship with an animal you believe he has is with the octopus & the parrot who narrates it. He had no one else to properly bounce off & thats why it doesnt work because its all been pre-recorded.
Casting Tom Holland as a loyal dog is brilliant, but hes not in many scenes with Robert so you lose that relationship straight away which is the key one the film should rely on it get going.
When the film finally got going & then got properly going after a lul which it didnt need at all & was pointless, it then went & were ending & wrapping it up. What the hell. No dont make me sit there for 50mins going when are we going & then at 70 mins start to close it out no no no. Bad film. Bad judgement.
The tone of the film is completely miss match as well. It didnt know if i wanted Robert to bring his Stark charm, or if they wanted a true to the original, or if it was a comedy, or if it was about needing to talk & forgive & forget. It just jumped around everything every 2 minutes & you really struggled to stay on track & it was basically a car crash.
It was just awkward & a waste of time & had no real reason to exist. Its not a good at all, & you would be better peeling onions than watching this, its not enjoyable at all. Just avoid. Even your kids will thank you for not taking them to see this.