time for another advanced preview, im sure Cineworld must be like oooh shes back again urgh. But hey you do the advanced previews, its your own fault.
It was half full which was good to see. I was one of the younger people in the screening for it but there were a couple of other millennials which was pretty good.
If im honest i cant remember all of the trailers, ive left my intro write up too late to remember, but i know it was Civil War & Drive Away Dolls for sure.
& then the film started… isnt it nice to see where you live on the big screen of the cinema.
Yep Littlehampton (or as some of them call it LA) is about 8 miles away. Its got some very nice sandy beaches & a good arcade & its chips are good but they arent Brighton piers. But its set there & a lot of it was filmed there & in Worthing which is the next town over. I can walk to Worthing in 45mins (if i get a move on) & the Lido that they sit outside for a good part of the film i spent several afternoons in there as a kid winning stuffed toys. Its so good to see where you live & go on the tv.
Coleman was fabulous, but calling Timothy Spall a wednesday (if you dont get that im sorry if you do im sorry for saying that but she does) as the last words of the film was stunning. The cinema erupted into laughter. It was needed as it had been very tense before that & hes had it coming. Best use of the word in a film in years.
Jesse was so good too. I loved here, shes very quickly becoming on of my favourite actresses at the moment. She was funny, she was rude but she also did what was best for her & her kid & it was amazing to watch someone struggle but just get by. When she & Coleman shared a screen though that was when the film was at its best.
The rest of the supporting cast were so good to. Doesnt matte who he is or who he plays he will always be Will from W1A for me. He may one day win an oscar & ill be like its Will. Yea i know. But Gemma Jones just casually being old what a thing that is. & the little girl is the girl from Matilda, she was so so good especially with being cheeky.
I can see why those letters caused such a stir back in the day, they were scandalous for the time, just after the war. Of course people would want to put the person who sent them away in prison & be ashamed of the community for sure.
Im collecting movies with Red flags this year arent i. I really am, because this one had such controlling & horrible behaviour at points. I mean that doesnt excuse some others behaviour because of it but i really wanted to punch & slap some people for the way they treated others. I know it was a different time, but as some one who sees friends & those i love be controlled & manipulated by others it hurts a lot that to this day this can still be an issue.
I worked out the twist before it was revealed in act 2. IT was only ever going to twist 1 of 2 ways & if it had been the other way it would have been much more interesting. YEs they went for the safe option but i think by realising it half way through act 2 & not just leaving it as a rumour meant the last part of act 2 & beginning of act 3 felt a bit shallow & like we were waiting for it. We should have been given longer for it to linger in our mind, make us second guess ourselves. Maybe im just now too much of a film nerd & spot the signs so early on. Do i ruin movies for myself?
I did laugh a lot through it. Some of the content of those letters had me laughing a lot especially when people read them out & their delivery of them. very funny indeed.
It does show how far women have come, which is a good thing. That police department & The way they treated her was horrible. Just being like nope your opinion isnt valid & not letting her have hand cuffs was just horrible. She was more competent then all the men in that office & working the beat. So it shows how far we have come, but that in some place it wouldnt be that bad, but it still wouldnt be good today. We still have much more to do for equality. I mean Coleman has recently been really vocal about how if her name was Oliver shed be getting at least double her salary for some roles. Yes even here in 2024 we women are dealing with shit like this.
Yes it was a little bit predictable at points, but there are a lot worse comedys out there for a much bigger budget. It hit most of the marks i wanted. & lets be honest, people speaking like what i does in a film, filmed where i live… im always going to recommend it & speak highly of it. ITs a given.
be right back off to go get some chip shop chips