Cinema time again peoples. Yes it is. Im not the biggest Bob fan but this has been hyped & promoted for ages upon ages so im looking forward to seeing how this compares to the other music biopics we have got in the last 5 years or so.
To the 3 people who asked me about my mando bag as i walked into the cinema cheers. Its subtle but its good. That made my night. Also i got a free poster i didnt need, but that still good.
Id say the average age of my screening was mid 50s i felt a little like hmmmm am i meant to be here, but yes of course i should be there.
Trailers, Drive Away Dolls, Dune 2, The Persian Version & Wicked Little Letters. Still very sad that America ger drive away dolls so much sooner than we do. booo.
& then the film started… Where was the music in this music biopic?
Seriously. So we did that first jam & then the concert then a few jamming session in london, they clips of the tour & then at the end when i thought we were going to get that iconic performance that all music biopics end with, we just didnt & i was like what… i mean it was nice it didnt conform with the generic biopics we all know now for musicians. But year there was a lack of music entirely. I felt let down.
I do understand that showing the revolution & the issues was a huge part of Bobs life, but he then does leave. & yes hes thinking about it & wants to one day return home to a land of peace, but it was more a story of that than of his musical life & yet it had been advertised as telling his whole story.
I didnt actually learn anything new about Bobs life at all. I was expecting for there to be a few ooooh i didnt know that or wow thats interesting but there wasnt anything that had me shocked. At times it was like someone had clicked on the next link on the wiki page for that part & then went back to the original page to find the next link. & i am not a Bob superfan by the way. His music is good but isnt my cuppa tea, so its not like i was sitting there going hang on they missed this niche thing.
The way they did the music to make sure it was Bobs voice was good i appreciate that. It was well missed into him talking & then it just rolled into bobs existing songs. I mean its still not Taron singing Elton is it.. hes still winning there with the music biopic voices. My foot didnt tap though as much as i thought it would & thats with listening to exodus being created.
All the political stuff is so important especially right now, but even the shooting (it happened in real life & was in the trailer so isnt a spoiler) wasnt like oh god. It does show what happened when people & places dont get on very well, to an heightened level.
So Bob went on this massive tour, but we hardly saw any of it. It was hyped for a lot of the movie, but then it just wasnt there. Either show more of the tour we were promised or not spend most of the film hyping it up. To then show him more at parties than actually singing at the shows.
Lashana Lynch is the best part of the film. Shes the only strong character at all & shes only in half the film. The rest of the support cast were all just so mid & just there doing it by the numbers that it all just felt too forced the fun they had or not there at all. It just didnt work. I mean the script wasnt that good either & it when things did get dramatic it wasnt like ooooh shits going down here now peoples lets do this, it was kind of met with ahh drama should we do something about that.
Also when she joins him in london who the fuck has his kids & did he really not see them at all for like 3 years?
This is just bang average. It didnt make me want to listen to his songs on the drive home. It didnt make me want to watch more music biopics or learn about the era. This film exists & there are people this is there jam for sure (pun intended) but for me it was just going through the motions. It needed to be more about bob & the music instead of just milling around a bit.