Ive seen the trailer for this film once but it was enough to sway me to see this. I think this is my kinda horror. Im really looking forward to this. Ive avoided anything about this film since as i want to be totally engrossed in it & freaked out.
a 5:50 showing is a mission to get to when the roads are being dug up atm but i got there wooohooo. It was a mission. But i also did get my coffee, my christmas coffee happy days. Im glad its back. Ginger bread lattes hehe. But it was the girl who sold me my mando coffee last time was very confused that i didnt ask for it.
Theres about 30 people in my screening, which isnt bad if im honest. Good on them. I was concerned as when i got there, there was only one other person there & i was like nah not for a film called watcher i cant cope with that. Thank god when more people arrived. Id say most people were around my age too.
Trailers Opp, Violent night (oh yes that looks crazy) Babylon (yes) Black Panther (yes) The Menu (yes) so a good set of films that for sure. Im up for all of that peoples…
& then the film started… well that was what i was expecting, but it also had some bits that i really wasnt expecting.
So Burn Gorman is a bit of a legend here. Im the Torchwood generation. So when i saw he was in this i was like ooooh. But then hes always in the shadows & hardly says or does anything at all & is very moody & mysterious. & then some a subway scene in act 3. I think thats almost all the words he says in the entire film, but fuck me it was captivating. WOW. He steals the show with the 5 to 10 lines he delivers, its so sinister & amazing. Loved every second of that scene even tho i shouldnt have.
We’ve had a lot of films this year about red flags & things to avoid. So there were so many tropes & thing is n this that she did to make things worse or make her seem unsafe that at one point i wanted to stand up & shout at the screen oh for fuck sake love your in a thriller movie, get in a bloody taxi. URGH! So So many of them. I think when we got to the 6th i was laughing like ah thats another one on the list.
Her partner wasnt helpful either. He was just a bland boyfriends who didnt add much at all. I understand why they picked these two as the leads, but they didnt even have chemistry at the start & then when things became fractured, that wasnt believable as we didnt care about their relationship really. Maybe one of them being a little more well know (im not asking for hollywood a list im asking for the level below) it would have worked better, would have felt a bit more real. It was awkward to watch their relationship at times (& not the way the film intended it to be).
Everyone else was bit of a dick to her to other than the best friend or her ex, but lets be honest we didnt care about the ex at all & the best friend next door we all knew what was going to happen didnt we, especially when 3 things were alluded too.
I know ive not brought blinds for my lounge, but unless your in the garden you cant see into my flat. But why they didnt get curtains straight away freaked me out.
The super market was bloody suspenseful, it really was. & so was the moment when he sat in the seat behind her in the cinema. As a 1 who goes to the cinema on my own i did have to do a check that this wasnt the case for me. Thats very freaky when they does happen. Why have you sat next to me? urghhhhhhhhhh. Gives me the shivers thinking about it.
How did she at the end of Act 3? seriously you can fake that? Also for a serial killer film, there wasnt to much blood & guts & torture for the film. I was expecting a bit more, but no it didnt happen.
What i saw was good & Burn had an amazing few scenes which were unsettling but brilliantly acted. I just wish it had actually gone further, as a fan of this genre of horror & thrillers.