Time to go see a christmas film at the cinema, okay yes its stupidly early in December but other than re-releases of classics with an extra 5min or for Charity, i think this is it for this year. So Violent Night, the fate of the festive cinema viewing is in your hands.
for a friday 6pm film its pretty full in here which is very very good. Its mainly millennials & gen x. I mean we are the target audience so it makes sense. But im going at least half full which is good.
Trailers, the silent child (thats freaky but i dont think my cinema are going to show that) Plane (looked odd maybe) Opp (10000000%) Babylon (yes) & Avatar (nope still not bothered by that at all).
& then the film started… & it did exactly what it said on the a tin & it nailed it.
It take the piss & the micky out of all of the christmas classics from various genres that we all know & love, but it knows its doing it. Its self aware in such a good way. Even down to the Home Alone parodoi at one point & calling out Die Hard several times, including the line Bah humbug Ki Yay… i laughed a lot of that, so did the rest of the cinema, which is always a good sign.
The santa origin story was very odd, i was not expecting that. Probably one of the parts of the films i didnt enjoy. I mean i get he had to have a violent back story to make him turn bad & come help but it was very weird in deed. I mean it did help provide some jokes near the end, but still.
You can tell films made in lockdown, everyone’s got these huge houses that they stay in, which all the actor did. I mean it makes sense, but you can so tell these movies now. In about 10 years time everyone will go why did everyone stay in these places, thats entirely why.
There were some very cliché bits at point, which did actually work, mainly because it full on went for it. But the level of violence & the style its portrayed makes it work. Some of the deaths are so comical. Death by christmas star & fairy lights… mental. Completely off the scale. The siege, crazy & then the final show down oh god. Such a violent ending. But then that turned cliché as well.
Upperty people getting what they deserve is always a good thing & i love that, especially when they are so spoilt like that. It just makes me go haha fuck you a little. I love it.
Some of the supporting cast arent the best actors in the world. I mean they could be a lot lot worse, but some of it was so cringe & just over doing it for the sake of it. We didnt need that at some times. The kid was good tho. The correct amount of annoying & enthusiasm. Well cast.
The opening in the pub is brilliant. I loved it. I laughed & smiled so much. There was so much going on & it just made me so happy. You knew exactly what he was going to be like for the rest of the film & it just set the tone. & i love how they get away with everything my just saying it was christmas magic or spirit. Perfect.
The stunts were epic & i loved that it wasnt afraid to be grim when it had to be. There are some deaths in this film that people will talk about for years to come. I mean theres nothing Hans Gruber levels, but still. In about 5 years time you will be like, that icicle. yea you will laugh at that.
There are worse festive films you could spend your friday night watching for sure. It was the perfect fun way to start the weekend & it was cool & i laughed & smiled a lot. What more could you want from a popcorn film like that?