Double Bubble Back to Back Cinema Club part two for this week, & it brought us another award season contender Vice. Completely the opposite to the film i’ve literally just left to see this one. I have left screen four gone to the bathroom sorted out my hand bag & walked into screen 2 not bad eh?
Screen 2 is half full for this i’d say, & unlike the last few im not adjusting the average age to much. Id say that late 20s to 40s is the demographic here to see this film so im not upsetting the apple cart here.
Trailers, Fighting with my Family, Captain Marvel, Mr Ploughman or what ever it was called (not that it will ever actually be watched by anyone now) Beale Street & there was one more too what was it for girl think think. Oh it was Aftermath that was it thank you google for that i remember it was something id seen a lot of trailers for recently.
& then the film started… this film isnt going to be everyones cup of tea, or brand of vodka, or the brexit they want (not that i want it but you can see where im going with this right), no way pepe… but i fucking loved every second i watched.
Give Christian Bale that oscar right now, sorry Mr Cooper & Viggo you’ve just been blown away by a stunning performance which people will talk about for years, especially at the end. That last minute is just amazing & i think he should win it just for that. I mean hes epic in the rest of it as well but oh man. Its something special.
& im not being detrimental to everyone elses performances in this film either. Every single person in this film is so believable as there character & all deserve their nominations for this film at all these shows. It really is something to behold.
As much as i was sitting there forgetting it wasnt Dick i was watching, every now & then when i saw Rockwell i was just like hay its Sam woohoo. He is my boy though. I liked him on that war ship that was clever CGI’ing him over Bush that was properly cool.
I like the explanations & narration of the piece. I do love this kind of film making. It lets you know exactly whats going on when its something really complicated & breaks it down so you will remember it in its technical terms not just the funny way. Altho one part did make me jump, i just wasnt expecting it. When you watch the film you will understand what i mean.
I like the fact it wasnt afraid of the politics & the boredom of it too, & how this shaped the future as to why we have ended up like this right now. Some of the references about the news & media & the people & the outlook are just a we fucked up… oh why sis we fuck up were worse now ahhhh.
Some of the real life footage, is a bit grim & full on & there are some scene where people did actually turn away in the cinema, but it was war & it was terrorism & it was horrific, & i say good on them for showing it to prove a point. The film was brave enough to do it & made it all the better.
I did laugh at some bits which proved good use of light & shade but was so invested in the political side that it wasnt as funny as i thought it was going to be, which i am actually grateful for.
Why did Americans not Vote for Al Gore????!?!?!?!?!? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! YOU VOTED FOR BUSH INSTEAD!!!!! IDIOTS
Bottom line is its a horrible film & therefore i am a horrible person for loving it so much, but i just couldnt take my eyes & fell in love with the film & wouldnt have it any other way. & if that makes me a bad person for liking a film so self absorbed & complicated & horrific & judgement then im a horrible person. & if you have been gripped by anything i have typed here, then this film is for you too. GO SEE IT NOW !!!