I for some reason have been hyped for this for a little while. Im not sure why but i am. & ive never seen the original either (except the flying cow) so yea, im hoping this lives up to the hype & at least their press for it, because that has been so so good.
I was meant to see this on opening day on wednesday, but i felt a little sick & the idea of running to the bathroom wasnt fun or the at least hours drive home, so i went on thursday & it was almost sold out. I was very impressed. All age groups too, which is always a good sight to see.
Trailers, Trap, Deadpool, Aliens, borderlands… & then the music hit & i almost dropped my phone. GLADIATOR II TRAILER!!!! Not the full 3 min version just 1min, but damn our man looked so good in leather on the big screen. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH DAMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!! Might have to take November 15 off work to go see it as quickly as possible & then go back the same day to see it with dad.
Also just going to shout out cineworld… freshly popped salted carmel popcorn is new. ITs good but takes a long time to eat it, which i guess means you dont just feast on it. Like once every 6 months thats doable.
& then the film started… This film is insane & delivers exactly what you want.
So you all know me well enough that i often say that Cinema is my happy place & safe space. The way this film depicts an old school cinema, well thats not a safe or happy place is it. I mean it was cleverly done, but yea thats not what i mean by that. The second they said cinemas have no windows they are safe i was like woohoo & then shit goes down & i was like ahhhhhhh.
Its very rare i sit on the edge of my chair for the majority of a film, but this one i did. I mean its a disaster movie so you know people will die or get hurt along the way but you ultimately know most main people will live happily ever after. & yet there i was sitting there thinking oh god are they going to do it are they going to survive, whats going to happen. Especially that long scream Glen does, that was spine tingling. I felt that anger & loss.
Did we need Glen Powell in a white t-shirt in the rain… no! Was it enjoyable… Fuck yes!
Glen just seems to have brilliant chemistry with who ever he acts along side. I know its a Glen Powell summer i do & im loving it however, even going back to his previous films, he always makes the relationships believable, be it as friends enemy’s or lovers. Its always spot on & he has the charisma to pull it off.
The tornadoes & panic & destruction were very good & intense. Especially that bit at the rodeo & hotel. I was so stressed watching that & how they were all so scared that this was all going down. Yes some bits were over the top. Then hitting that power station, & some of the way people were dragged & flung about were very okay this is a disaster movie. but yea the leaping into an empty swimming pool as its low enough, brilliant move.
It had enough references to the original, to keep it as apart of that universe, but also if you hadnt seen the first you wouldnt have been like hang on. Although there was a lack of flying cows. Me & a friend at work laughed about that for a good 5mins at work.
I also liked how it talked about corporate greed & trying to help people out who have been effected. Often films with this or just in general life with natural disasters its all about the heroes & not the people damages in the wake of it.
I do like how the 3 leads all had different reasons for doing it. & that guy from our press who had come over for tornado season, he was a funny little add on but was also good at his job.
Ive also seen everyone loving this in 4dx & 3d. Sorry im not brave enough to do that viewing.
So where is out summer blockbuster… its here. This is it. ITs feel good. ITs got a kind of romance which isnt. ITs about revenge, its about not defining yourself & its about people coming together to make the best for everyone. & it just left me knackered at the end of it as i sat on the edge of my chair shattered. It does what it says on the tin. These are the kind of action films Hollywood need to make ¬ the £200mil films that flop. This is summer blockbuster cinema.