Try not to sing it… see its hard isnt it. But its time to see Fly Me To The Moon… What youve never heard of it either… thats because Apple studios dont care if you watch their films at the cinema. Ive only seen it as a trailer in the cinema maybe twice, but other wise i havent, which is a huge waste as its an epic cast. So lets go see this on a big screen.
Turns out no one else knew about it. I went to the 7:50 showing on a tuesday night, & there was about 20 people in screen 4 with me. Everyone was my age as a millennial in their 30s too.
Trailers, Twisters (which comes out tomorrow) Blink Twice (looks good got Tatum in it so yes) Thelma (omg what is that it looks fun im sold), borderlands (yes) Alien (no) & Deadpool (im sure every film trailer section has Deadpool now.
& then the film started… yea that was sweet.
I want to know why i cry at anything to do with the moon landings? Is this all Ryan Goslings doing, but the second they started doing the infamous line, i realised i was crying. Its not even like i was alive when we went to the moon it was a full 20 years before i was born, but no im a mess whenever its mentioned.
Bloody Cat. I knew the second it turned up what was going to happen, i mean it was still funny when it did the thing, but i love how it wasnt constantly mentioned. If you didnt pay attention at those 2 points when it turned up for that moment youd have been like hang on a second.
Scarlett & Channing were so good. Brilliant chemistry & it just worked so well along with their levels of trust changing, but their meet cute was just adorable & i loved it. Solid pair of hands who carried the whole things. Woody was good too & so was the guy playing the film director i thought he was fantastic & so over the top like he should be Woody wasnt in it enough either.
It felt like everyone was having fun especially all the actors with a few less line, but it didnt give off that this was a feel good movie & then because if the serious nature of the movie it was also not as suspenseful as it should have been.
Some of those senators were complete & utter wankers, how dare they not do that. I got angry at some of them.
The tribute to the previous apollo mission was wonderful & very emotional.
We got to one point of the film & it was a happy point & then it was like okay now for what you are actually here to see. It then felt like this was 2 one hour movies. One to get them to the moon. One to make sure it all worked.
The NASA control room was well set up i liked that & those two additional engineer guys were very very good.
It was nice & romantic, & the chemistry & the story was there, but did it need to relight the debate about the moon landings happening or not? Nah it didnt need that. It was a good film, it just needed a bit more finesse for me to sit here & go this is a solid rom com im going to revest again & again.