This is my life now… going to see films from film festivals just in case they get Bafta & Oscar nods. & tonight is no different. Its time to see Triangle of Sadness & see if it is worth all the buzz it got in the prelims & Cannes.
Its another £3.50 bring your glasses monday for me. My local cinema is showing this so im off here in the big auditorium where they show films to see this. Can go wrong with £3.50 can you.
Well i had a nice chat with the woman i brought my tea from (its only a local cinema i wasnt going to ask her for a Mandalorian shed have been like the hell) she was asking what i was here to see & then i said & then she went oooh are you a film buff & with that we held the queue up for 5 mins while i did my tea talking about award season. I dont get that response at cineworld do i, unless its the fit guy whos left clearly (still gutted). So that was nice.
Its was the actual theatre this time for this film the one people put plays on, it holds about 600 people. Id say there was about 60 of us in the screening. & id also say that i lowered the average age too. Not by much but it was mainly mid 40s to 60 year olds there. The two ladies the row behind me looked like millennials as i left, but other than that i dont think i saw anymore of us.
Trailers, Knieves out (because they are showing it) the local Panto (maybe) Matilda (yes) Avatar (nope) She Said (yes) & the Menu (yes in fact i booked that while i was there) so yea a proper good look at all sorts of stuff. Im still shocked that Mark from A1 is coming to worthing to do panto. hehe
& then the film started… & that was completely what i was expecting & then some… yea it was really fucked up at points.
If youve been here forever you will know i hate Upperty people. You know what i mean by Upperty, people who are really up themselves & look down on you like your dirt & just expect life to go swimmingly for them & for others to all conform. & i hate it when people in films do that not only to people in the films but also the audience too. So i was so happy when after almost 100 mins of upperty it then all kicked off & everything switched around & the Upperty people got put in there place. I knew it was coming its featured in the trailers, but to see that happen & for it to switch in such a way… WOW! I bloody loved it & the shift in power it was amazing. Thats why this film has received such a high rating from me
Woody is in this for all of 20mins in person (you hear him from time to time but in person hes in it for a short amount of time) & he stole the show. Although if im honest that whole section of Act 2 before we get to act 3, is the best thing about the film. The Captains Dinner. If youve not seen the film, & i know its not going to be everyone’s cuppa tea, but you should watch it just for the Captains Dinner up to the point when we start act 3. Its brilliant chaos & you sit there & laugh & feel uncomfortable & pissed off at people & oh theres just so much going on. That scene & the power shift is exactly why this film has won all the prelims, for sure. Its amazing. The best & worst part of the movie (if youve seen it you will get it).
The two leads who we see throughout the film, at time have redeeming qualities but at points its just like do you really think that much of your self. Its very superficial. Shows the bad side of being an influencer doesnt it & how fickle fame & that side of life really can be.
The score was good but some of the popular music they picked was a bit random, some of it i understood, but there were other parts where i was like this is a serious film & we are doing this… really? Okay its your movie, but odd to.
There were some conversations that were dragging on a bit to long. I mean the awkward silences within the conversations were good, but there was one point where i was like, how many times are you going to ask this poor girl to get into a hot tub. Like 3 times yes i get but i was getting pissed off like the girl was at one point & then she still didnt get in.
Wasnt expecting a Kaboom.
The film did showcase the best & worst in humanity be it before the boat, on the boat or after the boat. Each section had something with a redeemable quality & something absolutely abhorrent too. Urgh
Im glad my cruise i went on wasnt like that. God i would love to go again.
I dont think i was meant to laugh as much as i did, but i did. There was one point where something went down where i was the only person giggling in my screening so i shhhed myself.
The ending, well it didnt make sense in the end. I mean it was clever, but nah it was a cop out & then went ambiguous.
It was very thought provoking & clever about its roles & the shape of the modern world & how everyone now takes & no one gives & the power that has over everyone. I would recommend you all watch it if you think you can stomach the captains dinner, which is a brilliant piece of cinema. But i do get that this isnt for everyone.