Let’s go girl your number 2 on my hit list for 2018 to see at the cinema. Please make this wait worth while Alicia please please please.
This has been a long long time coming. Lara Croft is a game we played when we were little & the Angelina films were part of our growing up. My sister still plays Lara, she completed the last one in a week & i was just sitting there watching it going come on love you can do it. So obviously when it was announced it was out she said can i come too please?? so yea i treated her to Lara, she got me a coffee as a thank you which was nice.
So off we went on a Tuesday evening to the odeon to go see if she can still kick arse, & be our hero. Both sitting there desperately hoping that its not going to be shit & that shes going to be epic.
Sister did freak out at the huge isle of dogs poster that was on the wall. She was like ohhhh aww cute puppies aww there so cute. I also tried to explain the new deadpool 2 trailer to her, & then it came on about 3 minutes later so that was a waste of time. There was also a trailer for the quiet place, avengers infiniti wars & erm one more cant remember it.
She did though convince me over the course of the afternoon that i should go & see Blockers, which looks absolutely crap. But its John Cena being an idiot, that i can buy into im up for that. So yea im probably going to end up seeing that.
& then we stopped talking to each other as the film started. So im not going to take you to our walk out of the cinema, where we were both Fan girling over it oh man. It was everything we both wanted & we both wanted different things so oh man was it good to hit all those marks.
Alicia is perfect, absolutely perfect. & shes a bloody good actress & Lara croft too. Oh she was sassy & kick arse & her accent was on point & she just basically told everyone i dont have time for your shit let me do this. She is Lara & she is going to grow as her so much. A proper i am a lady, but fuck off im in charge.
The number of actors & actresses that just popped up for a couple of minutes here & there (mainly Nick Frost that was a cool surprise) was just grate. I still cant get my head around Dominic West being her dad though. Hes not that much older than her. I mean he was bloody good & a good father figure to have, but it still threw me a little that he was Richard Croft.
The story was good for those who knew about Lara & those who knew nothing. A good origins story which did a good job at trying to get as much of the new game in there as possible. If you had no idea about what the set up as going to be you got a solid action film.
That being said there was a point i was worried we might be getting a cheap imitation of something from previous action films, one in particular but i was very glad they did it differently & made it modern so it wasnt just a straight copy & paste from another film. Im glad it didnt entirely go down that route.
There is now paint all over London, what an idiot.
The chase through Hong Kong was brilliant. I really liked that so often those chases feel a bit ah we need a chase we’ve not had one for a while, but that was very clever & ended up in the right place to move us onto the next act.
The last bit of the film the last shot of it, just gets me excited & makes me even more confident that they will be making another one. If you’ve seen it you know what i mean, & you will want to see it too. We also have several unanswered question too.
It was also very nice for the female action hero to not have a boyfriend or do it for a husband or have them take all the glory from her. Okay yea there is a dad reference but all Laras have that. It was nice that she always got the final say & it just wasnt all for love.
So did she do me proud? Was it worth half of my life waiting for them to redo Lara? Yes absofuckinglutely. no doubt about it. I hope the rest of the movie lover out there get behind her too. Lara you a back & making all modern women very proud. Worthy of my number 2 spot on my must watch list for sure.