Happy hopping to see a film where she’s convinced to see it by a mental bunny on the trailer
Yep that’s me Kevin Harts Snowball the bunny has me sold on a kids Film on a Friday. But I need cheering up as we decided to Brexit… boooooo
First of all it was only a third full. OK yes it was on in 3d at half 5 but 5pm on a Friday should be prime time to take tour kids surely.
There’s one thing that irritates me about seeing a kids Film in the cinema even the normal adverts before the trailers are aimed at kids the most crazy of them all was the carphone warehouse ones in Switzerland.
Now trailers nine lives WTF how much did they pay Kevin Spacey to turn into a cat WTF, also he wouldn’t have a 9ish year old girl he’s Kevin Spacey for crying out loud that being said it looks quite fun.
Dory still looks epic, & then on the other hand ice age looks dated & stupid I thought they gave up making them after 2 but know turns out it’s still going, but in space now too.
There was a trailer for the bfg sorry I’m still not sold & then a film about some kid with magical powers who needs armour wtf.
Minions short before secret life was quite funny especially that gnome. Good 5mins of fun.
The film was okay, in the scheme of things I laughed at kid jokes & properly laughed at 1 of the adult jokes quite a lot. I did here a kid say to there dad after that that she didn’t get the joke & he’d tell her later why it was funny. The issue is I can’t remember the joke myself.
Kevin Hart did steel the show as snowball. He really did I relate to that rabbit quite a lot which probably makes me a bad person.
RIP Ricky the brother that’s all I’m going to say that made me laugh.
It kinda went where I thought it was going but there was one bit that threw me completely & had me going WTF no no no that’s not good. But it paid off in the end. What happened to having real villains in kids Films.
One thing that bothers me is that Katie the owner of the dogs lives in the iron building in little Italy on the iron building in New York on her own… how the fuck can she afford that? & two dogs unless she’s running ibm she can’t afford that apartment fuck that.
Iv seen better kids Film, yes I know it’s hard to compete with Disney & Pixar but I think they could have done a lot more with this film than they actually did. Thank god for Kevin Hart.