Right so I’m here just literally the little space man was going 3 2 1. So cant tell you about the trailers or adverts or how many people were in the cinema. I just sat down took my coat off & started watching. (To understand this please go back to my Den of Thieves Review). Lets do the Dylan (this will probably be a short review by the way).
Oh it was worth the run & the last 4 weeks of home work playing catch up. It really really was.What a finally to an epic adventure.
Dylan O’Brien i know you nearly died filming this but i genuinely do think it was worth it. What a performance, outstanding. Were not talking Gary Oldman levels from the darkest hours, but in franchise were talking like top notch like Jack Sparrow on first outing, like Katniss in the second Hunger Games, like Captain America in Winter Soldier. Its That good. Its faultless. HE is now the new leading action man in cinema no doubting this now.
The entire cast were amazing, every single one of them (especially the surprise person). I know its because i’ve seen them all recently in the rest of them but they all were doing this to end it properly not just for the money. Everyone looked like they still cared about these films & wanted to give it a proper goodbye.
Aidan Gillen is just an epic villain he really really is. I just kept sitting there going come on Thomas run away or come on people kill Janson please. Thats the mark of a true villain to get people to want to shout at you.
I cried at the end properly cried, maybe because i’d done all the homework in a short space of time, but it was still properly emotional. Was a nice way to do it too they siad bye as you did.
Visually stunning. That city is fabulous.
I like the fact you get flash backs that arent flash backs, but you think they are thats cool.
The cranks are still scary as fuck ewwwwwwwwwww.
The opening scene (the one in the trailer with the train) is proper full on & you know then that its going to be epic.
Its a proper action film & a proper franchise & its ended in the right place on a high. Please dont come back to it lads. Your all now on your own path to being stars, just go & be the movie stars you are.
Just breathless & exhilarated by it. What a way to say good bye on. It made all the drama of earlier in the cinema actually worth it. Thanks Dylan.