Right first of all a heads up on anything entitled Cinema Club. As its in the cinema it will not be getting a proper review… So no Spoilers don’t worry peoples. Also it’s more of initial feel for the film is.
So for the review…
Every time I’ve tried to see an MCU film in the cinema iv been stopped due to illness, being on holiday, deciding to watch the film when it’s no longer available to see or the 2 people in front of me getting the last tickets for the show. So the fact that I got to this one is remarkable in itself.
Yes I went on my own but who cares your not there to chat to anyone & plan your holidays you’re here to watch a film that you’ve paid for. Also the cinema was not full I’d say about a third full so why did a random couple come & sit right next to me… Seriously I’d have moved if it hadn’t been right as the film started. So if you are those people you should be ashamed.
Trailer wise for related ok. We always play what do you want to see next. Bit random that the minions movie was in there but none of the others mattered, as there was the trailer for spectre the new bond film. Bring on my birthday.
The film was amazing. What you expected. What you wanted & just fantastic. I saw it in 2D not 3D don’t see the point of spending the extra money when it’s not what you will see at home. I stayed up to the part where most people leave st the credits… Marvel fans will know what I mean.
And that’s where I am going to stop. Enjoy the film people it’s already broken the box office over here in the UK & with it opening in America this weekend, I see records falling.