I love me an advanced preview. I really do. Yes this is only 12hs ahead but still, its still before everyone else & its going to give me a lot of ammunition for my Trump impression, i hope. I mean that debate the other month really did too (i hope this is published before the election). So yea its time to see the Apprentice.
It was half full which was pretty good my screening. Screen 6 is a decent size screen, considering i always think its the one they somehow manage to fit into my cinema. millennials were the youngest people in there but there were people up to the age of 80 in there for sure.
Trailers Conclave (yes) the new Cillian Murphy one (yes) Piece by piece(yes) WE LIVE IN TIME!!!!!!!!!! (I actually put my phone away to watch that trailer hadnt see it on the big screen before) & The Christopher Reeves doc (maybe depends). But they are all probably going to be previews lucky us.
& then the film started… this would be getting much more love if it wasnt an election year.
Okay i am now writing this part of the review now the election is over. So maybe they should have waited until after then to release the film, or not… im not sure im not American. But i know full well if they held this back for one more year. Sebastien Stan would be getting a lot of awards buzz for his role for sure. I try to do a good trump impression i really do. People think there are some bits that are so spot on, this film has now given me more ammunition for my impression. But in this film the older trump got the more there were point where you forgot it wasnt him especially with the repeating & the hand movements, it just felt like it was him not Sebastian. So for a man who had been underused out side of the MCU, this proved he can act for sure.
Strong, was incredible to. I loved him. He is more likely to get a supporting nomination if im honest. He was so brutal & evil at points but those he did care about he tried to look after & then it all just got turned against him & he wasnt well loved at all.
There was so much greed & excess it was crazy. It was horrible to watch at points how they became so power hungry & so egotistical. It was all far too much showing off. Maybe thats why i appreciated it at the start showing him for being humble & happy yet in the back of my mind i was like im going to not like you by the end of this because i know who you become. People really do become mean & evil when they get power they all kind of deserved each other for all being horrible bastards.
There was a party, a crazy batshit party, yea full on at all points even at the start. & then to randomly throw Andy Warhol in there & to not have people know who he was. I pointed & then laughed a lot.
Watching New York fall apart in the 70s & 80s was sad, but then seeing it start to come to life, was very nice. That explains why when i was little it was a big deal on tv to try & get holidays to new york as it had been revitalised. It was the in place to go.
I felt for his brother, i knew a little bit about his life before it but that hurt a lot that no one really cared about it. I felt for his wife & kids too. He was just so driven & just used them as props in his empire.
As someone who comes from a city which is proud & happy & accepting of everyone, its always sad to see how people in the 70s & 80s were treated who were gay & then later on had HIV & AID. Its horrible how its shown & how people were treated. Why would you ever do that. It was not nice to watch at all. Especially as Trump ends up becoming president (now twice).
The last interview scene in the film is incredible. Its worth watching just for that scene.
Yea this will be the one that is missed out in awards season i think because of who the film is about, but i enjoyed it. It wasnt a good person to watch because its Trump, but it was still a ver yvery good movie & highlighted parts of his life that i didnt know about.