Cinema Club 2019 is very proud to take you on the journey to see Stan & Ollie & hopes everyone will enjoy this little outing to the cinema on a cold Tuesday night in January when were all too busy, too stressed & too tired to do anything.
Cinema was a right mixed up bunch of age groups. Lots of people my age, one younger, a few slightly older & a few a lot older. Screen 1 is large to fill but id say there was at least 50 people in there, which is pretty darn good if you ask me considering its on constantly at the moment.
Trailers were a right mix if im honest. We had Mary & her Queen of Scots, Green Book, Beautiful Boy, Captain Marvel. But do you want to know the trailer that got the biggest response which made me go fuck yes… Fighting with my Family! I seriously cant wait for March 1st its going to be epic & everyone else in the cinema sounded up for it too…. If ya SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Right sorry the rock distracted me… & then the film started.
We all know come 6 weeks ish time Christian Bale is probably walking away with best Actor at the Oscars isnt he (its not over here yet so havent seen it) but this is the first time i have seriously ever thought an Oscar should be shared. Coogan & Rilley are perfect together & really are an epic double act & portray Laurel & Hardy so well, that there were points that i forgot that they werent. It was so convincing. Anyone of that generation who watched them originally or on the first re-runs must just sit there going oh wow. It truly is magical & is a proper bromance. Both are faultless &heartbreaking in funny in every single thing they do.
I love how it is exactly the same as the original its brilliant (stay for the credits people), but the fact you could watch some of the clips side by side & not know the difference if both were done in black & white, is astounding. The hours they put in to get it seamlessly effortless & perfect…. Kudos.
Supporting cast were also so good in this, Steve & John obviously get the plaudits but everyone else was brilliant.
It didnt hold back & told it how it was even with some punches & gut wrenching moments which were unsavoury, but every now & then epic comedy would follow or proceed it, which is the joy with this kind of film & story. Light & shade perfectly balanced (i sound like Thanos or a Sith Lord talking about balance).
& because this film needs to be sold to you some more… IT WAS FILMED IN WORTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes little Worthing 2.5 miles down the road ish from me, where i went to college. Its put Worthing on the Map & i have to say the Lido & Denton Lounge in the film have never looked cleaner or nicer, makes me want to go to this lovely town…. meh. At least it may bring some tourists with money i guess.
I cried twice, one because of something that happened & what that means to me in my life, & at the end as well (thank god for those credits so i could compose myself).
Bottom line is its the charming & true & a lovely letter to the great double act. I actually wanted to clap at the end, which is saying a lot. I want to see it again. Its just Perfect. A early Golden Buzzer Contender.
I’ll Miss Us When We’re Gone…. So Will You