So we’ve made it to Spider-Man yay.
So the odeon you kinda let me down I know next week it will be on a time that does suit me but after 2 & a half weeks where your screen times for this film haven’t, I’m not holding out much hope. So instead of spending money on dinner I decided to go to the Worthing domes £3 Mondays which costs me less. See clever. Also next week I’m likely to see Dunkirk a couple of times I hope so…
We’re in the little screen apes is down stairs & I’ve got my glasses on & it’s sold out there was a sign on the door to say it was. I say it’s sold out no one is next to me yet where is this person. Where are they?! They didn’t turn up yay extra leaning room.
Trailer wise there was Dunkirk arrrrgggghhhh were so near now apes & cars & valerian a thousand city’s or something like that. Even Rihanna can’t persuade me to see that looks a bit crap.
Spider man was solid really really solid marvel film it wasn’t originals it wasn’t too dark but it could have been funnier.
Tom Holland was so good little Billy Elliott from London has a bright future in front of him he really does. That being said however is a hero only as good as his villain? Micheal Keaton welcome to the mcu please say your staying around for a while. We haven’t had a villain performance that good in the mcu since… well loki in avengers. So brilliant epic twist too really good.
Love interest felt a little too staged & nothing there yes I know there teenagers so it’s supposed to be awkward but still that girl gave nothing.
His suit is so funny so so funny & his best mate Ned with the Death Star hahaha.
2 credit scenes & trust me the last one right at the end you stay for it’s worth it please be patient… some of you who’ve seen the credit scene will get that.
I still don’t know why people leave a mcu film during the credits it does my head in.
Spider-Man has come home & the mcu threw him one hell of a party here’s hoping he stays around for a little while & that we can see what’s going to happen next.