It’s here we’ve finally got to Dunkirk day. Yes yes yes. 28 months of waiting for this from the moment Nolan went I fancy doing a war film. Oh it’s here it’s here ITS FUCKING HERE! Okay maybe I’m a little over excited but it’s here.
Iv read the reviews I’ve seen the trailers iv seen the clips I’ve watched the interview iv seen IMDb & rotten tomatoes & it’s actually happening & im taking people with me to see it I know what!? & I am just so hoping this all lives up to the hype & I don’t come out going hmm I want to shout at Nolan like I do at the end of inception.
Pretty full cinema for an Sunday afternoon in Brighton I didn’t get to sit in my preferred seat it was already gone when we got there. So we sat in the preferred seat on the other side of the cinema… it’s a completely different view honestly.
Trailers new trailers omg trailers. Gary Oldham as Winston Churchill let me see that now just from his performance by the trailer he deserves an oscar nomination wow. The Judy Dench queen Victoria film looks a little random sorry she can keep that. Kingsman obviously I’m seeing that. & the murder on the orient express oh wow didn’t actually realise Josh Gad was in it that looks so good mum says I will enjoy it as I have never seen the original so won’t know who did the murder. It’s worth a shot I guess.
Today was also the day I broke even on my odeon card every film I now see for the rest of 2017 is free in theory get in there. Happy days.
So film time let’s do this.
It was good really really really really really good. It actually made me feel like I was on the beach & that I was losing hope to get home.
I like the fact that it was 3 different story’s which ended up all meeting each other part way through. It’s a good way of telling it you were then invested as to how everyone got to where they were.
No ones going to win an oscar for acting unfortunately not enough lines for anyone really. Mark Rylance had the most of everyone on his boat. Then probably Harry Styles who wasn’t shit either by they way as far as pop stars making the cross to acting he’s got a better start than most.
Mum grabbed my knee at one point when Tom Hardy came on & told me to calm down… but she didn’t do it when Cillian Murphy was looking all cold wet & vulnerable. She the freaked out a lot later on that I’m more Cillian than Tom.
How they did some of the set pieces without cgi or actually killing people I will never never know. It was so real & honest.
I did cry once when Kennith started to well up I was gone. When it finnishes mum was having a proper cry & Dad looked a little shaken.
It felt much longer than its run time due to so much stuff happening.
There was applause as the words Directed by Christopher Nolan went up & even I clapped. I always feel weird clapping films but I did last time I did that was when I saw the kings speech.
You all need to see this film in the cinema it’s worth the money people. It’s well crafted well acted beautifully set & the music oh man. I think this should be shown in schools & that Christopher Nolan should be writing his acceptance speech for director at the Oscars now.
That being said I didn’t hit my golden buzzer, hmmm so that’s really thrown me… what is my film of the year I had saved it for this. It was an amazing film & will win so many awards but it’s jut… oh I don’t know.
Darn you Christopher Nolan you clever bastard. Darn you.