Time for film number 2 of 2 today, still doing it for award season. Lets get going peoples, the Rockwell needs me.
Now big question is it weirder to be
A) The only person in the cinema to watch a film
B) Only one other person join you in the cinema
Thank god a group of 3 & a couple arrived as well. I was getting a little freaked out. Its weird when theres just another one isnt it. So you there was 7 people in the cinema for this one.
Trailers, Dark Waters, Parasite, Emma & Birds of Prey. yea i can see why they were all put together to be the features before this film.
& then the film started… Yea thats a good film thats a very clever film which really does play with your emotions. It knows when to hit you when you are down.
I keep going on about Sam Rockwell, im sorry (not sorry) about that. The man is just getting better & better & better & is just such a joy to watch & you just feel yea i am in a good place when hes here. He just knocks it out of the park & you know deep down hes in it for himself, but you really do want him to succeed with this.
Olivia Wilde performance is really good too. I love how shady she is & how you want her to fail & then at her epiphany moment you are there with her going oh bless her she realises. Her 180 turn is perfect & im not sure if anyone else could of pull that off more convincingly. Just full on on fire.
Paul Walter Hauser is good as Jewell too, but im guessing that wasnt so hard to do because all you wanted him to do was clear his name & he is the glue of this film. The end bit is very clever & you really do feel him growing in his power & then you want to hug him as well. He really is the normal person just doing it for the man in this film.
Bates is good too. When shes doing her speech thats beautiful. But does she give an oscar nomination worthy performance…. no im sorry she doesnt. Jlo has been robbed of her nomination here.
You can tell by the style & shots that its an Eastwood. Its not afraid to kick you in the balls when your already down & really make you swap your emotions watching it from scene to scene. Its got the guts to show you how to be vulnerable & powerful all at the same time.
I love these kinda dramas ( i know its real life) but i love finding out how this kinda stuff happens or you are framed or how its all works itself out. I guess knowing that i will never know this as i dont work in this profession i see it & i think oh really thats how they do it. I find it so interesting & so enlightening as to how all these things are put together.
I also like that film film also does blame the media & why stuff is done in a certain way & how they affect the public’s opinion on things. We all know it happens we really do know that the media do influence us, especially the press, its weird how much control & power they have over us. Its a little bit fucked up if im honest.
I do feel that even though it was made with love & is a film about hope & justice, that it could of done with a little bit more compassion & friendship in it to make it feel even more human. I like the fact it did go dark at times & there were all those little dirty tricks played, but a pinch more of love would of made it even greater.
As a brit who was a small child watching these olympics, i had no idea this happened so even though it was dramatised, i really learnt a lot about this.
It is a really good film. It really is. I enjoyed watching it & if you like this kinda film you will come out really happy with it & a little bit proud, going yea the little man did good, take that you idiots.