Finally, this film is on at a time thats not to mad & crazy for me thank fuck for that. Yep 5pm on a Friday will do nicely no mad rush from the office, no being too late home as its a long film. Perfect. This Player One is Ready for this.
Its also the last day of the Easter holiday which means that over the next week film times will return to normal ish, aka less kids films more films for adults which arent all animated or sweet. But this films time though does prove a point. This film has been out for what nearly 3 weeks now & yet screen 4 was 60% full. Proof that 5pm films are a good idea. See Odeon this is what happens when you put a film on at the correct time… people go to see it.
Trailers were Star Wars Solo, Jurassic world again (still bored of dinosaurs) Deadpool 2(which i sill have homework to do on) & there was a long one for westworld which was a bit odd. Was also nice to only have 5mins worth of adverts & not 10 to 15 as well as trailers, so it was all done quickly.
& then the film started…
now im a bit of a nerd, i love my pop culture references & my stats & facts & knowledge about all sorts of random shite, & i love my games on the phone pc or console (when i get the time for them that is). So all the nods to all the retro 80’s & 90’s pop culture & the bits from the films that Spielberg admires properly had me fan girling out, like full on. It was just masterful. I started counting them all but gave up in the end i was just enjoying those moments so much. Obviously the shinning was over the top & was more so then other bits like Terminator but it still worked so so well.
It was a really clever way to use the CGI animation world along with the real one, that was mighty fine, often thats just used & it doesnt have the desired effect or correct feel to it, but this just got it & went with it &it didnt feel like you jumped everywhere all the time.
All of the cast was good, didnt realise Simon Pegg was in it that was a nice surprise. But you know considering they had to act in the film & also do the voice overs thats a lit of hard work & at no point did it feel disjointed too, it just worked & everyone deserves high praise for that.
Some of the little jokes that just pass you by that when you think back after you have left the film you go oh i get it yea of course thats funny make real sense. Also the fact that its an easter egg, haha. Yea.
We do have to talk about the first 40 minutes of the film though which lets be honest were not the next 90 minutes or the 10 minutes at the end. The first 40 minutes really didnt get going there was too much going on. Too much narration, not enough moving forward & you just wanted them to get going with out all the extra bits but it took 35 minutes to do that. The rest of the film (including the last 10 minutes which was obvious) was an epic pay off for sitting through that first chunk. Which you deserved to get but you really had to earn it.
It didnt feel like it was that long a film either. 2hours 20minutes is a long time for a film even still today, but at no point did i look at the time & think really were only at this point (apart from the first 40mins obviously), but when it got going it got going so much so that when we got to nearing the end it was a hang on were here already.
This film does have some absolutely stunning moments both in the real world & the Oasis, but it could have been so much of a better film if it just spent a bit more love & care on the first part. After that it hits it out of the park, shame really this could have been something truly special. In the end its just another good pop corn film to lose yourself in, & not overly celebrate.