Oh its a wednesday lets go to the cinema people, lets get one more film in before the Oscars on sunday, darn me for being busy & not seeing Parasite before the big day oh well. We got to the end of award season though. Shame its almost over so soon.
Screen 4 ( got favourite seat by the way in there hehe) was half full i would say, not bad considering TV adverts make it look really crap, even though we know its probably not, thats pretty darn good. I get that its Meerkat wednesdays as well, but you know thats still good.
Trailers we had Military Wives, Emma, The Call of the Wild, My Spy & No Time to Die. hadnt actually seen the new Bond trailer from the super bowl so that was nice to view. Also hadnt had a Bond Trailer in a few visits so that was good too. Glad its not going to be every single time i go to the cinema after all.
& then the film started… Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm… i mean it was okay, but its got some issues.
Daniel Kaluuya is fucking off the charts, he probably should of been up for a Bafta at the weekend, he really should have. He is just stunning & is the only good thing about the entire film. He really is. No one else in it is actually any good at all at acting & Jodie, well she may show promise but shes nowhere near the stunning standard that everyones made her out to be. & that unfortunatly as it basically is a two hander is why thi film sint up for as many awards or any acting awards, because only 10% is shinning.
I just didnt find anyone else believable either in there performance or roll or the way they did it. The only person i did believe in ended up being a waste of time & not in it for long & you just sat there going why is no one else upping there game for this film. Its important come on people bring it up a level.
There were some proper oh my fucking god moment which you didnt see coming at all. One in particular so much so when it happened & then you found out about the fall out later on you just sat there in shock that what had happened had happened & was such an effect.
I love how food is still important & its just like yea i might be on the run for my life but you know i need my dinner mate. I am so down with that food is important peoples.
Some imagery & metaphors were good & important & were at the right times for the film to get philosophical, but by the end of it you were sitting there going yea its a bit much. The same with some of the driving shots of the scenery, i know some were to prove a point but by field number 9 i was just like okay this is getting a bit much now.
I felt the same about the internal monologues we heard or the conversation they didnt have on screen played over the pictures. The one after the kill the guy (not a spoiler its basically the trailer) was good while the credits are rolling to start the film thats good, that was very good. But we had a few too many. Like it was being used for the sake of it, because they had it.
It dragged a bit at times. I wasnt expecting a film filled with drama & action every 17 seconds, but it just lacked the pacing & feel of a road trip or manhunt. It just lacked in that style & i sat there feeling okay we going to have a bit more suspense in it minute & they just went oh nah were fine with this.
The power & understanding of equality & being judgemental & leaving a legacy no matter what its for is so powerful & does show how movements are still so important to our lives today & that we should all fight for what we believe in.
So its okay. Its worth seeing for Daniel & the way it brings hope & power to your life, but nothing else. I’m very glad ive seen it but unless Sky Cinema keep showing it i wont be rushing to see it again.