I’ve been waiting a while for this, quite a while. Maybe a little bit too much. Yea I needed to see this like most people need to see rouge one right now (don’t worry I will see it).
It was burning of the clocks tonight in our city something that until yesterday I thought everywhere did but no turns out it’s just us. So there was an extra 50000 people in the city to watch it. & yet with that being said the cinema was nearly full like I’m going 75% minimum.
Iv never heard everyone in a cinema laugh at a trailer before but they did every person to man man watched the guardians trailer & laughed at it. So I think it may be a hit you know.
Other trailers were for the silence Lala land assassins creed & that weird gangster one with Ben afflek. But the triple x trailer looked good but I have no back knowledge of them so maybe it’s a bit late to play catch up.
The film was good very good. I did come out feeling a little flat but I believe that to be my own fault & having too high an expectation. I wanted it to be up there with moon instead I got a sunshine, which isn’t shot by the way sunshine is an amazing sci fi film.
It was a really well done three hander Jen Chris & Michael should be very round if there performances there were no errors from them at all.
There was a best friend but that did make me cry about an house in which really did hit me.
I also liked the morals it taught & the life lessons made along your way. That’s something more films need to consider.
It’s a solidly good sci fi love story thriller of a film, and I think you all should go & see it. In all honesty I’m kinda glad it’s not as good as moon, Gerry would be proud.