Time to go see this years best picture winning film how it was intended, in Black & White. Lets see if it adds anything shall we.
First off huge Kudos to my local cinema which is open, The Dome. I tried to book tickets to see this online. However due to the social distancing measures they have in place, & the fact that this is the smallest screen, i couldnt book a one, so i gave them a call & said i was a one & they sorted me out over the phone so i could see it. Brilliant well done peoples.
Turns out i didnt really need to pre-book it was me & 4 other people in there, that was it. I had the backrow to myself & just leant against the carpeted wall very happy.
Trailers some reversing boat (oh we’re getting closer to Tenet ekkk) Summerland (nah), Mulan(Awkward based on the announcement the day before, & some divorce film with Bill Nighy(nah).
& then the film started… If you want the original Parasite cinema club review click here, but it does really,really work in Black & White.
I think you do need to see it in colour before you watch it in Black & White. I do enjoy subtitled films, however trying to get your head around that & the black & white at the start must be difficult if youve not seen it before. Im sure thats why the first 5minutes of the film are a little trivial, to help people get used to it, but its still worth seeing in colour first.
Watching it a second time (as with any film but even more so with a subtitled film) does give you a much greater understanding of whats happening. There are bits that you are prepped for & look out for a lot more to get much more a grasp of the concept & see the traits much clearer than in the first viewing too. For example part of the bit that leads to the ending first time i was a bit like oh thats a bit odd & out of character second time i was sitting there going nope they get what they deserve here, selfish pricks. They deserved their fate ( i know that probably makes me a bad person).
Now i know about the lines separating the rich & the poor throughout the film, its bloody brilliant. such a clever yet subtle way to do it & it automatically does help you to pick a side once you know about this & your opinions on the characters change because of it. Its also so true of life right now with everything thats happening in general.
That bloody rock, just keeps appearing, love it.
It still stunning & i cant really say anymore than i did in my first cinema club review of it. They were right to put it in colour to get the bigger audience, but its such a beautiful piece of art in black & white & is just well wow.
See it in Colour then black & white peoples thats an order.