Happy Easter my lovlies
yep its good friday & im back to the cinema 15 hours later, for a bit of World War 2 spy stuff, to help us win the war. Im not sure how im expecting this to go but with a solid cast, im sure its going to be really really good & enjoyable.
So it took me a while to get to the marina, mainly because despite there not actually being a fuel crisis, theres a fuel crisis. I could go on about how long it took me to get fuel earlier in the week, but the little station around the corner from me next to the biggest pedestrian lights in town, had people blocking up the road for fuel. So that took almost an hour to get into the city.
There were a lot of older couples, around my parents age & up. A couple of odd one millennials like me & then the people who sat in front of me was a dad in his late 40s & his teenage daughter & she was saying how this was part of her history coursework at the moment, so that was nice.
Trailers Doctor Strange (bring it on) Downton (nope) Top Gun (yes) & Elvis (yes). I dont think many people in my cinema had seen the Elvis trailer before as a lot of them went oooooooh when it ended, i mean fair enough, im excited for it too.
& then the film started… I mean we wont the world war so i mean its easy to see that this is going to be a good story & that it all works out well for us (its history peoples thats not spoiling it).
We didnt need the love triangle, im sorry we didnt. It didnt add anything to the story either. I mean its quite clear early on that as much as they all trust each other to try & win the war & succeed in the operation, but other than that they dont. Theres all sorts of spy & double crossing stuff going on in the film. So then to throw a love triangle which doesnt really get going is a bit random. The two people who are mean to be after each other also have little chemistry, im sorry they dont. I mean maybe that was how love was shown at the time, but you know its for the country, if you had feelings for each other maybe a quickie would release your stress. But nah, it just didnt work or add anything to it. Not even the building of the story for the fake body at war.
There was one line that properly made me laugh, is there anyone here whos not writing a novel, & oh not another writer. I liked that. Its true. I guess todays equivalent is oh another influencer. But he had a point there was a lot of them & not one of them bothered to help them write the bloody letters they wanted for their mission.
It started very slowly & then a lot happened at the start of act 2 & then it went slow again. It needed to sort out its pace, it really did. & sometimes when it tried to pick it up, it picked it up & added drama where it wasnt needed.
Theres very few films which Colin Firth is the lead in & i dont relate to his character or feel for him, but in this one this was the case. I felt more for Matthew Macfadyen character & his job & life more than anyone else. Even the normal every day people in this film other than about 3 all seemed to be quite high up or important. I felt the average Tom Dick & Harry werent shown enough in this film & its war effort. A few more glimpse of normal life would have been good, especially as they keep going to that bar, maybe getting more war stories from people would have helped.
We also had a lot of subplots which i cant go into here as to why certain things happened, which then werent resolved, which pissed me off a bit. Dont start something about writing to people or communism or next of kin, & then not follow it up later. I know its about a secret war operation, but it was almost like they were going oh we need to add this here to create drama, but it didnt need it. too many distractions which shoudlnt have been. Stop adding unnecessary suspense hollywood please, you are doing it a lot at the moment. Let the drama talk for itself.
Some actors or who they were portraying felt wasted at time & either in it just because they thought they needed to be… Hello to Jason Isaacs…
It was well dressed & costumed & staged to look 1940s enough. I mean it helps that those parts of london are kept so pristine & that you can still to go to them as they havent changed, but you know its the little details on some of the outfits & the pins in maps that just work & add the correct feel, especially as a brit.
The end was nice too, the tribute, i liked that, could have easily been glossed over but they got that right.
I did enjoy it & it was well done, but we wasted time on stuff that wasnt needed & left us with questions on some points which were never answered. We didnt need the love triangle, but it was a really well acted film & had the right feel. Bot a waste of time, but there are definitely better world war two plotting films.