Double Bubble Movie Mondays are back my lovelies i bet you all missed this. This is also the last film i technically have to pay for in 2019. The next film i see is free… so before i get to hyped by whats going to be film 2 ( no idea what its going to be ha) lets review Missing Link first.
Screen 1 i’d say had about 30 people in it all families obviously, its the easter holiday after all. One little girl did as her daddy why i was there on my own. They didnt have an answer for her, think they were as confused as she was that someone would go to the cinema on their own.
Trailers we had Aladdin i had massive goose bumps during a whole new world,. Endgame, Detective Pikachu, Toy Story 4 & Pets part 2. oh & pepper pigs big cinema trip too. Surely pepper pig on the big screen is a waste of time? no just me oh well my bad.
& then the film started… & it failed im sorry but it did & on a lot of levels.
Although that maybe me being a little bit over critical about this. So the film is basically them finding the missing link in evolution & finding big foot. & i was kind of hoping we were going for the angle of how he is brought into the world & how people viewed him & how he could be used to help solve some of the worlds unanswered questions for the period its set in. Nope we didnt go down that route, we went on a random road rail boat trip that wasnt needed to go & find the fucking Yetis?!?!?!!?!?!? no no no. That was not the film i signed up for or thought i was getting at all. & then that journey didnt live up to the hype. Oh im asking to much of a kids film i know but come on people kids want better than this.
Stunning animation, absolutely beautiful some of the drawing & landscapes & features were just magical & you really can put yourself inside that world you really can.
It had some moments of slight chuckle & humour for adults not so much for kids, but it was nothing more than a ha or mmmm moment. Apart from the chicken, dont mention the chicken, what chicken.
Over use of maps & country & documents for a kids film, this is not indiana jones people.
It had some good morals & life lessons to take away from it but i honestly dont think anyone in said film learnt there lesson except one character, but they were the most open book of the film anyhow so if course they learnt from it.
There was a good bar scene that was good. Ending could have been more dramatic & more of a oh here we go were getting a payoff for the rest of the film. Nope it decided not to do that.
Its a shame really with this cast & the style & feel & look of the film it could of been something truly beautiful & stunning, but the subject they ended up going for just made it average & with no real drama. Shame really it had huge potential but missed.
Now for the first free film of the year time.