Time for some disney magic. Lets go to a film which probably should of been made a lot nearer to the original than it has been. A bit of Ange as Maleficent. I mean what could go wrong. The first was so dark & moody & fresh bring it on.
Screen 1 had about 30 to 50 people in. A right mix of ages from families with small kids all the way up to people as couples in there 50’s. A right mix up but the story s a classic & Ange is still bringing people in you go watch it dont you.
Trailers we had Star Wars (but not the new one that came out in the last 48 hours) Frozen 2 (that was the new one) The Aeronauts & Cats (which i kinda forgot about that it was actually happening thats not good is it).
& then the film started… Although we had a really cool test card from the BBFC first that was good with all the rating stuff on it. It was a okay the film.
Ange is still the star of the the film & has still got it & i would walk over magama for her, however she is not used enough in her own film. Seriously there were points where i was sitting there going, is she going to appear in this film again, shes been gone a while. I know some of it was kinda the point, but it all just dragged on so much that it was just a little bland & uneventful when she wasnt on screen.
Sam Rieley (who ive only just realised is Stevo in Free Fire AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) steals the show as the Raven/Human hes the best person in the film. Ed Skerin is good too, but he needed more character development if im honest. I wanted to know more about why he was so like he was. Everyone else in the film was either so weak & poor & unconvincing in there acting & style or didnt have enough screen time to make you care. Chiwetel is seriously blink & you miss it.
The Romance between the two leads was non existent & not charismatic & far to falsified. At no point in the film did i sit there & think yea they love each other. It wasnt even over the top disney enough to have a pay off in that way.
It no longer felt authentic & dark enough to be the twist on the disney story we all know. It just felt underwhelming & falsified. That being said there were points in this film where everything was so dark that you couldnt actually see what was going on, on the screen, which isnt good for your plot is it.
Too many cheekbones or prosthetics in this film & im not talking the wings they were cool. But everything else added to everyone else, nah too much.
This film was basically made because disney suddenly though ah we’ve got no film for October 2019 what should we make. It felt rushed & somber & honestly i didnt actually care about what happened to any character in it by the end. They could have all died in that battle & id have gone oh okay then.
Its a very forgettable movie, it just falls into a generic disney remake back catalogue, & people will forget they have seen it. Save yourself £10 go watch the original again, you will enjoy that more.