This review will probably be written before I complete the Olympus has fallen review. But I want to post it in the correct order so apologies for the delay.
As far as action sequels go it was good. We’re not talking horrendous like die harder, but you pay your money you take you chance. It was full on funny & you knew what you were going to get.
Having said that I didn’t pay my money (well I did but you know) thanks to my new Odeon limitless card.
There was a scene where shits about to go down & the camera doesn’t cut away for a good 10mins it was amazing.
Some of it was so far fetched but it’s an action film.
Tom Hardy’s wife Charlotte Riley can act she’s bloody good.
& that’s all I can really say without spoiling it.
There was only 6 people in the cinema with me at half 5 on a Wednesday. That being stasis when I came out of the cinema my friend was watching the showing just before mine.
Trailer wise, the division went on for like 5hours. I’m still not excited by batman & superman except for lex Luther. But eye in the sky looked good, I did go ohhhhh when Allen Rickman appeared. #feels
See this reviews now ready at 8:40 on Fri 11 March. Let’s see when it’s actually posted.
You know what fuck it I’m posting this review now Olympus has fallen will have to wait.