Cinema time on a Thursday night, & time to see what Licorice Pizza, the film everyone on LetterBoxd has been on about since November that ive been like so when do we get it. But we now do so im here & im up for it.
So when i got to the cinema as for the last couple of weeks someone has said ahh the heating’s a bit meh at the moment, so i always come in layers to take off or put on, but when i was met on Thursday the guy said ahhh Screen one the heating insnt working at all sorry, but if you want to leave after 15mins we can give you a refund. I then said i was layered up & had an unlimited card, & he then wished me luck. I did ask if the heating would be working by monday tho, he said hopefully. I was frozen for the last 20mins of the film if im honest, but i wasnt going to leave at that point.
There was about 20 other people in the cinema with me, proper mix of ages too. Mainly my age, but there were people younger & there was a couple who were about my parents age. But it was mainly millennials.
Trailers, Belfast (which was weird after seeing the film a week ago & then seeing the happy trailer & being like that wasnt the film i saw), Cyrano (BEN!), Nightmare ally (probably) & Journal for Jordan (next weeks advanced screening) so yea good set of trailers.
& then the films started… so the day after i saw this film one of my close friends messaged me & said how was it as shed seen it advertised but didnt know if it would be her cuppa tea. I said it was hard to explain & she said that one of the parents at the nursery she worked at had seen it & said it felt like you were apart of a cult. You know what thats the perfect explanation for this film. It really is. It was one hell of a trip & you wither go with it or not. & i went & i laughed a lot… so yea im in a cult now…
Its 3 films in one. Its a ridiculous love story which is coming of age. Its about how fame changes people & those around them. Its about 1970s america & how random that time was. & these 3 things all take there president at different times & yet it all some how completely works with the last part of act 3 of the film. To pull that off was amazing & i really wasnt thinking it could do it but it did.
& that says alot about the cast. The majority of the leads were wither people with film debuts or arent known for acting. Haim & Hoffman were a brilliant double act & i completely believed there relationship & the will they wont they is this going to work moments. It was brilliant & they both acted their arses off. A joy to watch.
The cameos & parts of proper movie stars was epic too. When Penn turned up, he had to be so sleazy & weird & so self centred because that was what we expected of that character at that point of the film & it just worked & was brilliant. & then with about 30minutes to go Bradley Cooper turns up & is so whacky & out there that for all of the 6minutes hes on screen, its the Bradley Cooper show & its a nice little distraction from the seriousness of the rest of it from the last 20mins. Suddenly bang heres this guy whos over the top & Mr LA. yea it worked we needed that for the film we really did.
I learnt alot about 70s LA in this film. Like i knew about some of the backwards attitudes to women & people & sexuality, there was lots of that in the 70s & 80s, but i had know idea that pin ball used to be illegal, water beds became a trend, kids go to a bar but not drink but still be regulars, & a gad crisis ( i mean i live in the UK & we are currently living through that {i mean im sitting on my sofa at the moment looking like im going on an artic expedition to not put the heating on yet} darn price hikes on everything) so yeah i learn alot about all of that, which i had no idea about.
There was one bit of cinematography at a golf course scene where theres a stunt & its revealed so much about the crafting of the film & the characters in it, that i actually sat there glued to the cinema screen wanting someone to get there & be okay & then going aww & then thinking yea thats bloody brilliant cinema that is. That will stay with me for a long time.
There was a lot of running in this film & yes i am aware there was no fuel, however, there was still an awful lot of running. But most of the running was all done in one take or if people were running to others flipped between the two. & the music behind it in fact the entire films soundtrack was stunning. I mean you cant go wrong with Bowie can you. So many songs that just hit the nail on the head.
There were some moment that were very random & you were like why am i caring about this little bit here, it makes no sense at all, no sense & then about an hour later you got the pay off or it was reference once again & i was like ahh there was a reason for caring. The arrest was the most random, i thought we were going else where at that point in the film, but we didnt.
This isnt going to be for all of you i know that. You either join the cult or you dont. But it was a joy & a pleasure to watch & i was entertained & informed & left on one hell of a high, as i think much of the cinema did (oh & extremely frozen too). What a Trip to go on. my Letterboxd besties have recommended another epic film.