This is it the last film of cinema club for 2017 wow we got this far that’s amazing & scary.
So my boss actually let me finish work early today yay so that begged the question Jumanji or Ferdinand? Jumanji has been on my must watch list all year so it had to be that… sorry John Cena I’ll wait for that to be on sky cinema.
So as it was Christmas holidays still the cinema was packed with kids & teenagers & family & the little old me on my own. I ain’t complaining. It was nice to see the Odeon full though screen 3 does have lots of seats.
Trailers we had Black Panther, god its looking so good it really is, The Commuter & Maze runner (really need to watch those very soon). I think that was it there was one for Battle Front 2 as well.
The film was hilarious, im not just saying that it really was. It made me laugh quite a bit there were lots of Jokes that went over kids heads that i was sitting there laughing my head off at. IT was really funny.
The Rock of course does his Rock thing & steels the show, & his relationship on & off screen with Kevin Heart it brilliant proper bromance moment. Love it. Thats a double act that can keep going on screen for a very very long time.
Karen Gillan was good to being all awkward, but Jack Black pretending to be a 15 year old girl is something to watch. OH MY GOD! it was perfect especially the flirt teaching bit that was good.
It was clever to show that the game had now changed, & that it was now a computer game. The NCPs are cool too even the cut scenes.
One of the best things though is the tribute to Robin Williams that its Allan’s House, & its got the name & date & a ripped picture of him there, that was brilliant. Got a little emotional about that didnt cry though.
I am a little bit worried that Cake can be someones weakness. its not mine.. well…
Also there weren’t that many levels to the game either. I know weve got a film to show but that wouldn’t match to the same number of rolls either. would it. A bit more peril could have been set up for the film. At no point was i genuinely worried for the characters,
Its a good film to end the year on for Cinema Club. Nothing to epic-ally write home about but really enjoyable & a good laugh & some strong performances all round. Its a good old fashioned were going to make a film about this & everyone will enjoy it & you know what i really really did. Does what it says on the tin, cheers for that.