Saturday afternoon at the movies. Our local cinema too & im taking my parents because John Wick is enjoyed by all of us. We would have seen it last week but im not sitting on those uncomfortable chairs in screen 1 for nearly 3hs, bollocks to that.
Screen 3 only has about 80 seats in it & is say 70 had been sold which is good. We got there while adverts were on so couldnt really see the age range.
Trailers, Fast X(yes) Guardians (yes) MI7(yes) & Oppenheimer which my parents hadnt see on the big screen yet & both went oh wow at. Yea bring on the Nolan.
& then the movie started… damn you John Wick being so epic that you flew by in what seemed like 10mins but ultimately was 2h35. Wow oh wow!
It maybe graphic & full of blood & gut & torture, but all those fights are so well choreographed, its insane. You sit there watching it waiting for the next stunt double to leap out & be like oh god. Its a beautiful dance & it doesnt matter that you dont see all the face or people who die. It the way they day & how its done thats so spectacular &clever. That is the reason why you have gone to go & watch a John Wick movie, there is no other answer for you wanting to see it. It was full on & violent & delivers what i expected.
There was one attack wheres someone was taken out by a playing card, that was insane, that was my favourite.
Every action set piece in Paris could have stood on its own proudly & been a credit to whatever film it was in. The chase, the arc, the house & then sacre coeur… when one thing happened i did go oh no no no. But it was clever how it did it. & Remember Reeves did 80% of the stunts himself, good man, very very good mate for your age to still do all that.
There were a few things i was not expecting to happen in the film or for us to go & visit or certain outcomes for characters. Although the second that other guy had the dog i trusted him so much even though i was not meant to.
There as one point in this where there were so many Game of Thrones references or shadows or echoes i was like, if you do one more, im calling Cinema Sins. I mean i get it, its iconic & that also draws from so much of it. But yea there were a few too many. Although i liked the hand stab. Stabby Stabby…
Donnie Yen was a brilliant addition to the film. He you wanted to get his freedom but you also wanted him to not be punished, but also complete his mission. I loved it. So so loved his character & how he dealt with things. Brilliant characterisation.
It was a quick 2h35 it really really was it just flew by.
There was not enough Fishbourne. considering we left Chapter 3 with John in his care, i expected to see a lot more of him in this. I’m glad we saw a lot of McShane but still, he was the person who was meant to be looking after John wasnt he.
No one in the film said BE SEEING YOU… Honestly gutted about that. Its the line. Its like Obi Wan not saying Hello there or Bond not talking about his name. It has to happen, & there were a few opportunity’s for characters to say that at points but no, none of them did. I felt cheated out of that.
Travelling around the world was cool i loved that. Even if some places it was for a short amount of time & going to another continental again, i love those visits stuff always goes down.
The big questions now is… NOW WHAT?! We were left in a good place with a fitting ending, but its interesting to see where we go next with it all. There was also a clear spot near the end of Act 2 where you can see where the films would have been split.
Its not the third John Wick film thats still my favourite, but this is still bloody epic fun & one hell of an evening out. I had a blast watching it & so did my parents. They are bloody brilliant action movies which do build an amazing story over time. If this is the end, thank you, & Be Seeing You…