We are so close to the end of award season i can see it on the horizon yay, One last one for luck. Shall we my lovelies.
Time for the one that before award season was hotly tipped but hasnt won all that much yet, so lets see what Beale Street can teach me & if it really is the most romantic & realist film i have ever seen (thats what the poster & trailer say dont shoot the messenger).
Someone was in my preferred seat in screen 6. What the actual fuck? I always sit in an odd seat in screen 6 & there they were just sitting in it with their friends in that odd row of 3. How dare they? I sat the row in front instead but still. Weird set of age groups. Id say predominantly middle-class-upperty women if im honest in groups too.
Trailers we had the Aftermath, an odd one about Tolkin, On the Basis of Sex & Fishermans Friends. Only one im 100% sold on & that smouldering Armie in On the Basis. Think that maybe a friday afternoon after work treat hmmmmmmmmmm. I digress.
& then the film started… & if im honest im very glad awards season is at a close, as it beginning to feel like the photo copier is running out of ink. I know what im going to say i shouldn’t but i am & im sorry if i offend, but theres just too many films in the last 4 years of award season about oppression & justice & the law being wrong & movements going on that some of the not so good ones now are all blurring into one. A good one that tells a story & reaches out to you & hits home it good, but the rest, which includes this one, are just becoming to similar. I know its history & its important that this is all told, but please make it original & interesting & not all just the same.
It was brave to tell its story & it was powerful but it just didnt prove the point hard enough. It just didnt i wanted it to be more passionate & drive the message of the horrors of this heartbreaking story to life, but it just hummed along like the irritating unromantic music in the back ground.
The film was Romantic, but not enough to call it the most Romantic film of the year. I felt more of a Romantic connection & chemistry watching Glass, where im not meant to feel anything at all.
They all stared at each other far to long for this film. I know its to create thoughts in your head & drama on the screen, but when theres no Drama to build from or move up a gear with the staring, it just becomes painful. If they got rid of at least two stares per swap between, i recon the film could have been 30 minutes shorter & much more enjoyable.
I like the non liner time line, that was nice & refreshing for this kind of film. However when you work out quite early on exactly whats going to happen & what has happened & why we are at this place, you want the film to go with you. I should nt have worked out what was happening inside the first 20minutes of an 130 minute film. Thats a lot of stuff to go on in-between isnt it.
Im not sure if the film started out as a 5min piece of art that just ended up with so much starring it became an actual film, or if its a film that want to be art itself.
Acting was okay, but no one made me go oh wow now that was a performance.
This film i seriously nothing to write home about. There are so many more films you can watch about racism & oppression & equality at the moment instead of this that are more real, that give this a few months & no one will be talking about it. I dont get the hype at all. Okay im not the target audience, but im not sure they really knew who their own target audience was.
Far too long, far too dull & nowhere near as romantic as it should have been.