Confession time before we start this review, which is late my bad. But i have never seen or read any of these, so this review may not be the best thing for you so apologies if you go to the cinema based on my tastes. Find someone elses reviews like Ali Plumb, who i have actually had some full on chats with about films in the last few weeks about how i shouldnt be ashamed about not liking films everyone else does. Its really helped. Cheers Ali.
Friday at 5pm was a very packed cinema like not 100% but im going 85% which is very very good. Dont know why we werent in screen one though that would be much better for this film. Oh well. I also think i was the only person who was there with no Kid or wasnt a kid or teenager myself. Hmmm.
Trailers we had Lego Movie 2, Dumbo, the Kid Who would be king & Secret life of pets 2 the one with the rabbit Snowball or Snowdrop cant remember (RIP Ricky hes my boy).
& then the film started & as i said earlier please dont take my review as gospel. But if the rest of the franchise are deemed better than this one i seriously need to catch up & quickly, as this was something special (were not talking spidrverse special no way but it was good).
That Dragon Toothless is soooooooooooooooooo cute, like i want to cuddle him & just go awwww its okay buddy, dont worry.Properly stunning animation on him.
I like the fact that both he & Hiccup have a disability, its good to see an animation doing that so it makes kids with prosthetic more comfortable to & that they have some role models in that area.
For a film with Dragons in i wanted i bit more mild perril for my money a bit more drama or oh man is this going to work are they going to be okay, but they didnt go down that route, which was a little odd, unless the first two were packed with that.
Bit of a generic villain if im honest, but im not sure his motives were entirely right or he was entirely sane & happy about it all.
Some of the scenery was magical & inspiring especially those waterfalls oh wow they were something else were they. It properly felt like water.
Some big names voice acting in this film, who when they probably got the gig 12 odd years ago were nobodys & are now huge names.
As someone who hadnt seen the first two i liked the flash back sequences (not just for the Butler) but it let me know how there world had changed & the character developments, but i did then still have a few questions that need answering.
Best bit of the entire film was the Dragon flirting that was something, properly laughed at that was really really good that.
I did cry at one point it was pretty sweet & oh man. I though nah ill be fine nope i wasnt boo you cinema for giving me emotions.
Over all i really enjoyed it. But i have nothing to go by if im honest.
There was one kid leaving the cinema who when asked by his dad what he thought of the film said it was good & went with the rest, but the ending was very safe & predictable & that he wished films would stop doing this The kids got a point you know… I wonder if he wants a job working for Cinema Club?