Back to back days at the cinema… its like the old times woohoo. I love it when this is the case, yes it adds to the draft list but i love movies, they are my salvation so im looking forward to this. & a film based on the music of Take That, is always going to appeal t o me.
Id say there was a bout 20 people in my screening with me. There was a large group of at least 10 women who had come together who were all in their 40’s & they had smuggled in their wine. Yes ladies all power to you all for doing that.
I know there was a trailer for barbie as there was someone who went ooooh Ryan out loud, which we all laughed at. I cant remember what else there were trailers for sorry peoples. I tend to tune out now unless its something big or new.
& then the film started… wow two days in a row where the film was better than what it looked. Cinema your living up to your own movie hype at the moment well done.
It was expecting to get a little emotional but i was not expecting to cry which i did at 2 points. One at the end of Act 2 & one in Act 3. I mean there was someone full on crying in my screening bless them, i didnt go that far, but i did cry twice.
the flashbacks were do good. at no point did they feel false or force it worked & it showed how people were who they were & why they ended up how they were & that friendship can survive after years without seeing each other. If the friendship is strong enough it will last.
I love how the pop group are just called The Boys. At no point are they called Take That. The videos & the 1990s styling were very much Take That & boybands of that era, & it worked. You just went along with it. Also i love that actual Take That do show up in the film, im not going to tell you when (& they have talked about being in it during press so its cool, ive not spoiled it, it makes sense when they do). Also the music of them worked for the different point of the film too & it went well with the score where parts were mixed together.
Boy Bad Concerts in the 90s early 00s were so like that, it was exactly spot on, with the outfits & the parties & the cool stuff. It was so right, so often films get those bits wrong but as someone who used to be able to watch the shows live on tv (we used to have Box Office concerts on TV ahhh thats so 90s of us) It just got it bang on, especially when it went to a slower song.
Its not the best written film in the world, but the way it was put together made it work & the people in it knew how to create tension & deliver, most of the leads in it had comedy backgrounds so nailed the gag when there was a joke to be had.
The reunion of the group & of the friends & reliving the youth & realising your better together than apart was something that so happens. Me & my friends in 2021 went to a 90s reunion show & it was good & it jsut gave off that vibe (just this was in warm Greece, not Hastings in a tent)
Every moral & journey was test book, but each were dealt with collectively & had a reason as to why that life lesson had to be learnt. It never felt like it was giving us too many either, which considering there was 4 to cover, meant we had to resolve a lot of stuff.
This would work better on the west end… which since i have got home from the film i have realised is actually a stage show that will be touring the country ahhhhhh i think i will be asking people if they want to come & see that, because that was so good.
I tapped my foot along to all the songs, i mean they are all Take That bangers… whats not to like.
Was it the Greatest Day of my life? No. But did i have a lush time watching it & really joyed the film, the story &the music, yes i did. That was a little bit of me this film. Im glad ive seen it, i listened to Take That for my entire drive home from the cinema.