Again apologies about the delay people almost a two week gaps, at least this will be up before the september holiday… in theory.
second part of double bubble back to back films. So this should be good. Im expecting the standard bad us comedy if im honest, but you know its a Rogan so im hopeful here.
Screen 4 had people in it probably about 30 & i cant remember the trailers as it was a while ago. There wasnt a TENET trailer anyhow.
& then the film started… & it was predictable but it had moments which properly made me laugh uncontrollably, which i wasnt quite expecting.
Basically half way through Stephen Merchant turns up randomly & every single bit of the film from that point which he is in even when you dont expect him to be just made me laugh so much. It was pure joy & were some of the best bits of the film, no they were the best bits of the film.
When they all cry & fall out & act like kids that bloody funny too. Everyone as a child had that moment & its brilliant as there is a reason for it but not really in the bigger picture. We all did that at some point between the ages of 9 & 13.
Problem with the film is about 40 minutes into the film it loses its way & gets a bit to generic & dull & a bit meh. It then does up it again but not enough to make you go oh go on then.
Some proper oh my god thats cringe moments through out. All completely believable. The mad crazy pops up randomly sister less so but the rest of it was all worthy of its place in the film. Especially when they go to college.
The highway set piece is just wow. As an adult who walks & drives huge anxiety watching that but laughed throughout it. Its the best bit of acting from all those boys in the film too.
It comes from a good place & i know it cant throw punches every 17 seconds but if it didnt have that lul we would be looking at something a bit special than just a generic american comedy. You can tell its a Rogan & it has potential. Just sort out that little bit & you are looking a film lost of people would be talking about.