So my homework has been done time to go & see Glass, & see if its as awkward as all the critics say it is. After last night im properly looking forward to this now.
4:55pm is the perfect film time for me on a Friday. Works done at 4:30 so a nice stroll to the odeon after work is brilliant. I can basically go very slowly & walk into the screen to hear they guy go hello & welcome to odeon. So cheers for putting this on then.
Id say there was probably about 150 ish people in screen one which is pretty darn good for an early ish start when people havent finished work yet.
Trailers we had escape room (nope no thanks) Mary Queen of Scots, & a really long one for Alina Battle Angle which went on for far too long with the directors & producers & was way too self indulgent. It can do one if it thinks its that good. Dont tell me all that stuff let me see it first then go on about it. but that was it no more trailers after that. Bit odd to only have three & have one that was so far up itself.
& then the film started…. Word of advise do your homework peoples. Dont go into this blind or unknowing otherwise you will be lost. Seriously i was so happy i had seen unbreakable, like i would have been sitting there going whats up with this train, whats with the coat, whats with this clingy son. It really helps to have seen both of them.
James McAvoy i am always in awe of for his performance in this series, as much as he dosnt physically change to much, he is still playing 24 different characters in one film plus himself its still a lot of work & pressure on yourself to get it all right & to have that sorted. Huge Kudos to him for nailing every single one of his committee/ board meeting.
Im not saying anyone else gave a bad performance by the way everyone was on form in this, bringing their own. The person who least wanted to be their was Bruce Willis, but his character didnt really want to be there either so maybe that too was just good acting.
I really wanted to punch Sarah Poulson in the face, for the way she was treating them & torturing them. I was lead to believe we were ment to be on her side & not everyone elses, but nah i wanted everyone else to win.
I do have a big question which i cant ask until youve all seen this film, but once youve seen it you i will understand why i want to ask it. It pissed me off a bit.
I loved the use of the footage from the previous two films, very clever, very well orchestrated & at no point did it just feel like it was put in their for the hell of it. All used to their potential. Some one lines too which were just on point.
I think it could have been about 10minutes shorter, i understand why it wasnt & it wasnt that detrimental to it, but i think we could have ended or a more icon image than what we did. Didnt make it drag on.
There were some full on psychological moments of oh god to look at & view & there were some full on grim bits that i knew were coming & then i just freaked out watching going ewwwwwwwwwwwww.
It was a brilliant send off for the films & fits with the other two.
Im not sure what the other critics were thinking being so mean to this film, maybe i id see them all quite quickly especially Unbreakable the night before, but i had a bloody good time. I do believe that maybe there is a hero in all of us.