The time has arrived to watch part one of Dune. The day after i saw this they said they are going to make Part 2 due to everyone going crazy about it. So yea lets do the first half shall we.
Ive treated everyone in my family to a film this year & my dad decided he wanted to come see this with me, which was a very weird choice, i thought hed go Spiderman or the matrix, but nah he went for Dune. I hope he doesnt have 5000 questions at the end which i wont be able to answer. so we went to the Connaught to see this on a monday. & it wasnt full, not as much as Bond was a couple of weeks before but it still wasnt shabby. This is an acquired taste i think (not quite like Wes but you get me). Id say the youngest people there were mid 20s but it was every age above it which was good.
Trailers were Spiderman, Ghostbusters, House of Gucci & the Matrix. Dad hadnt seen the Matrix trailer on that big of a screen & was like oooooh wow yea thats good. There was also an advert for the Panto that will be in Worthing for the entire winter. Strictly, BGT & Soap people sounds fun.
& then the film started… & what ever i am about to type & ive left it a little while as i want to get it right, wont do the film justice at all.
When it ended, i sat there for a good 5 minutes with my mouth open a gasp & then looked at my dad & he was doing the same & then we both at the same time went well. I think thats all you need to know really.
Cinematography so seamless, that it makes you think that those worms are real & that those space ships are just gonna park in the desert somewhere. It was like being in the year 10000. It was so clever & well mixed. Seamless perfection. No wonder Nolan was jealous.
Some would say too much exposition, but nah. This is part one we need this old to be told so then when we get to part 2 we can just get going & shit can go down. So well delivered throughout, evenly across the film. It rocked it.
Acted superbly. Emotional & true. Everyone gave a brilliant performance & you just sat there going ooooh well oh well. Timothee is the star tho without doubt.
Hans Murdered his Piano didnt he, i mean that score was something else & was just so slick & built tension that you really didnt know what was going to happen next. Composing tension in the best way possible.
Everyone was in this film & i mean that (except the rock) but oh everyone had time to be a star & shine in there own right.
Why do you call the man who will be the Messiah Paul? in the year 10000? I mean my cousin is called Paul but hes 34 so you know.
2 films in a row with beheadings, hmmmm.
Im seriously just blow away by this film. It needs to be seen on the biggest screen you can find & you need epic speakers & its just so much of a film.
Words cant describe what i watched & after a week & a bit after seeing it Im still sitting here like wow.
Its a Buzzer Contender people. Bring on Part 2.