Sir Ken… Well lets be honest this isnt going to match belfast is it… Its not no way Pepe… however hes back directing & with that Tash, so im looking forward to this. It did just keep getting delayed due to Covid, but its finally here. Lets go on an Egyptian holiday.
Sunday morning in the drizzle in screen 2 at Cineworld, once i had got past all of the people who were at the car boot sale. Omg this is why i dont go to the cinema on a sunday morning wow thats a lots of people. In the cinema there was about 20 other people which was nice, i think i was the youngest person there definitely. I think i was also the only 1.
Trailers, Phantom of the Open (yes i am going to go home & book up the advanced screening) Ali & Ava (advanced screening booked up) Dog (probably) The lost city (looks crap but i think it will be fab) & (& i did actually go ahhh at this) Lightyear… move out the way kids, Buzz is made for me not you. So that was a good bunch to watch.
& then the film started… Any other year than this year & Kens nailed his directing but compared to Belfast.. welll you know…
So lets talk the elephant in the room… Armie Hammer, who filmed this well before anything was alleged & is made to look like the star & the handsome leading man. & its a shame that you watch his giving his everything in this & Then just sit there feeling really uncomfortable. We were meant to get this in March 2020, & the world has changed. So that now feels very like okay so my feelings are very confused here… that didnt help the film.
Lets also talk about the actual story as well. It suffers from the fact that it was originally written in 1937. Yeah its lacks some imagination. I can imagine when reading this in the 1930s & 40s people being shocked by what went on & the scandal & as much as it is a very good reimagining of the book, the story does hinder it. I am informed its almost spot on to the original.
That doesnt mean to say that the years passing has hindered it. I mean imagine saying ahh were going to film here or there back then they would have been in shock. Now Ken can get some truly breath-taking shoots. The cinematography of that river at times was so beautiful & alluring. That completely worked.
If youve not watched or read murder you know that the ending is a bit of a cop out. This one doesnt thank god for that. A satisfying ending which you can easily work out whos done it, but if not at least someone has bloody done it.
I love Russell Brand. Ive been to some of his rally’s (no Emily they are comedy gigs) & they are epic & i laugh my head off at him. So him having such an important part in the film, was hard at times to concentrate. I kept waiting for him to suddenly go all Russell on us but he didnt. I mean it proves he is a serious actor, but i was just waiting for that moment.
Why do you have Jennifer Saunders with an American accent but then cast Dawn French with a british accent? Especially when they are always in the same scene together. They were the most likeable people on the boat other that Poirot (most of that is due to the epic tash & it being Sir Ken tho).
It was nice to hear the tash back story, but did we need it?
Im beginning to think the Gal Gadot isnt a good actress. The last couple of things ive seen her in shes not even attempted to steal the show or is just there as window dressing. Maybe shes not as epic as everyone say shes is.
Why is there only one shoot of Adam Garcia, why isnt his face covering all of my screen & why was he not tap dancing? Come on Ken!
Also what a waste of a Jaffa Cake im with him on that.
I preferred this to Murder on the Orient Express due to the fact it actually ended. There was a lot more schemeing in this that that. It was worth getting up for to go to cinema. IF you like a murder mystery dont knock this until youve tried it.