16the April 2024
I hope the world doesnt end & this review finds the light of day, because this film im hoping is going to be important & a real echo of the world right now. So lets go to the cinema & watch Civil War.
Its pretty packed in here this tuesday evening, well done everyone good job. Mainly Millennials, but a few older people too.
Trailers, Fall guy, Furiosa, Challengers, planet of the apes & finally a quiet place day one. Ekkkkkkk it looks so good, so so good.
& then the film started… Wow this really didnt hold back & im so happy about that.
Theres a thing thats going around with us film nerds at the moment online & its our love of Jesse Plemons & that if he turns up in any film shit is going to go down & this film is no exception. All because someone was sick that day, so he dropped the kids off else where & went to act. Hes only in the film for 20minutes, but he steals the show. I was petrified of him. When he wins the oscar one day, we will all celebrate. Im not sure he will for this, but damn. He was so menacing & shit scary. Phenomenal. Never trusting him again. That whole scene im not sure i took a breath during.
The main trio were all so good too. I love how at the end of the day they did have a job to do, but it was how they went about it & how it changed per person as the film went on. Also such amazing emotions & narratives about how some support & then some dont. It was so interesting to see how they were effected by certain things & then how they also werent & tried to block it out until it got to much. Also can hot south American men who are kind of hot, stop wearing flannel shirts while playing characters called Joel while on a dangerous journey? My mind freaks out a little when thats the case.
It is all about Dunst though & her message that she believes she has to get out & her past horrors. I like that it shows other war photography okay yes fictionalised, but shows just what she is expected to go & take photos of. I know she chose to be a war photographer, but we are all just human & stuff is bloody traumatising you know peoples.
It deals with how we look at the news & cope with things on a “normal level”. & then explains some triggers & PTSD moments very well. Its shockingly scary how a panic attack can happen. Ive only told my sister this but last summer on a train home from london i had a panic attack when i was on my own, the train was packed & id ran out of water & i felt sick & the lady next to me obviously saw i was going white & gave me a square of chocolate & it calmed me down two stops later load of people got off & i could feel i was breathing again. Its the first time ive ever really experienced that & it was shit scary. I would not be setup to go & report on any of this stuff ever, if thats anything at all like how the film shows it.
When that first bomb goes off, thats scary & the ear piecing high pitched noise was horrible, but it was so well done.
The little town where everything was normal was bloody strange but also so good, to show how if you just get on with your own world, the real world isnt paid attention too with all the issues, what a metaphor. If it doesnt effect you, you are fine. No no no no! IT does effect you. Look at the world right now peoples. The world is falling to shit, & some people just arent paying attention or helping. Its bloody petrifying that a couple of old miserable power hungry idiots with small penis’ could be what kills all of the rest of us. There have been a few mornings i the last couple of weeks when i have woken up in the morning & gone well the world didnt end while i slept. Imagine how petrifying it is in places where this could be the case. People need to watch & listen.
The President was so impactful despite only being on screen twice really, the opening & then the end. Very cleverly done. Also the whole white house bit… Argh!
I loved the lack of sleep they get & how it effects their judgement, that was a really telling scene & proved that at the end of the day we do all really look out for each other.
That hole… fuck!
I get that some people are going to go this isnt well timed, but it is. Its exactly what we need right now. Those who think its the wrong time, are those who ignore im afraid.
I also like the lack of action & how it was about people & stories without ever really knowing fully why this all happened. It was a civil war film, but a modern one.
Im sorry this is a must watch film for everyone. Its dark & disturbing & you will leave the cinema gasping for air & to clear your mind, but it has to go that hard. A24 & Alex have made a tremendous film & everyone should be talking about this film. As then it will make you talk about the rest of the world too. Its not buzzer contender worthy but damn its fucking intense & special.