Oh it’s been so long since the last marvel film hasn’t it. A whole 4 months i think. Best get back into the swing of them ready for the finally of the infinity wars, gauntlet whatever we are up to. Its a nice way to end a week at work, going to the cinema on a Friday too.
That being said, im going to be sooo sooo soooooooo happy when half term is over. I can then actually walk around my city & get on with stuff, which will be very very nice. There were hundreds of people in the foyay before the film, kids just running everywhere, people just barging in front of you wasnt very nice. I could see the manager getting very pissed off with everyone he was quite grateful when i waved my limitless card & ticket at him. He knew it was one person who wasnt going to ask 30 questions.
Cinema was packed, id say 80% full. When i got in a good 5 minutes before even the adverts id say it was half full. Still got my favorite seat in screen 5 though was very happy about that.
Trailers were all the next set of blockbusters & epic franchises. Infinity Wars(yes please & obviously im at a MCU film). Deadpool 2 (dont judge me i still need to watch the first, dont worry i will i just didnt have a cinema card when it came to this). Mission impossible 28 (nah sorry Tom) & Lara Croft Tomb Raider… Its the film that is second on my wish list for the year… Im going to see that film. Alicia is my girl crush & its the greatest female action hero of all time so i am going to see this movie (i think i sound a little too over excited about it).
& then the film started…I made a conscious decision when the hype started back at the end of November to not do too much research on this. Its going to be a little while before i can do that again with an MCU film so i didnt read any reviews & saw the epic trailer as little as i could.
It was just mesmerizing & honest & lovingly crafted (which sometimes these kind of films arent)b& just a breath of fresh air once again. The MCU just constantly reinvent the world & there heroes & there films & it was just packed with everything.
We already had an origins story in Civil War, but this just confirmed what we already knew so if you hadnt seen the previous, you still knew what was going on & why we were at this stage. The story was brilliant, twists a plenty, enough suspense to keep the seven bridge up. It just went bang bang back of the net. At no point did it feel like it was rushing you or that it had been made to fill an MCU gap. It sits in everything perfectly. It was a serious film but had lots of laughs still (not as many as the last Thor outing but still funny).
Every actor in this film performed superbly. Seriously there wasnt one shit performance at all. Even the girl with her cup of coffee she was good. Chadwick Boseman & Michael B Jordon were brilliant, on point & just both look like they had been made for the roles they played. There performances are a credit to the MCU.
Martin Freemans American accent is getting there, ever so slowly. But i was glad he actually ended up with an important role for once & not just a bit part. Same with Andy Serkis although its weird not seeing him with CGI shit & motion capture everywhere. Theres a casino scene which they are both brilliant in.
As a woman it was nice to see such power & in control women in this film who weren’t afraid to stand there ground. Much like i was on about earlier with Lara, these ladies made me feel empowered & like yea go girls go get them teach those men a lesson.
I do need to shout & rant though & its not at the film, its at the film paying public. WHY DO YOU LEAVE AN MCU FILM AS THE CREDITS START?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!? WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT!!!!!
Its not like this isnt conman knowledge, even my mum will watch a marvel DVD & go oh fast forward for the credit bits babes. But to leave before the arty crafty credits finish? nah you should be banned. I have no time for you, at least stay for the first. Is your life really that important that you cant sit down for 3 mins for the first one or 10 for the last one ahhhh. People who leave MCU films before or during the credits can go in my metaphorical boat. They really can.
Right sorry about that had to rant. So there are 2 to see people, first one is quite good. Second one when is right at the end & is about 90seconds but i was jumping up & down with joy. I was so happy i do believe i yelled out oh fuck yes at the end. It was that good. Hehe see worth waiting for people.
Bottom line is Black Panther is an incredible film, just stunning. When the MCU is over & people talk about it they will talk about the first Iron Man, The Guardians franchise, The Winter soldier & Black Panther. They will remain as classics & this will film right here will always be so significant to end of teeny pop culture.Its a Golden Buzzer contender. Infinity Wars youve got a lot to live up to now. Good luck your going to need it.