Grab your baseball bats & Mallets for some Girl Power people. Margot Robbie is here to prove her point that she is the best person in the DCEU & that Harley still has pulling powers. I am so up for this madness & cant wait.
Trailers were Black Widow (AHHHHHHHHHH) Wonder Woman 1984(AHHHHHHHHH) Downhill (yep looking forward to that) Mulan (yep) & Emma. (depends on time) So proper big box office coming up soon basically except Emma.. Its weird double false stopping that but Emma. comes with a false stop so.
Cinema had about 80 people in there, & a right mis of ages & types. Quite a few groups of lads for obvious reason, lots of groups of girls too for the fact that we just wanna watch her destroy everyone & a few families too with older kids. But mainly its the 20 to 40 age range who have invested in this.
Oh new disney plus advert if cool by the way & it actually now says the correct date on it too at last yay… Mandalorian im coming for you on march 24th
& then the film started… Honestly its a shambles & all over the place & is mad & has no rhyme or reason to it at all… yet it sooooooooooooooo works & i adore it.
Its told from Harleys perspective so when it jumps all over the place, its because she is too. So it completely works on every level. Harley earns the right of it to be bat shit crazy & not coherant that is what she is. & MArgot just owns it as her. Margot can play Harley for ever & i will not get bored of it at all. She is perfect as her & im just so on board with it. The Craziness is just everything.
Even with it being crazy & all over the place once you get to it you go oh i see the story now it makes sense, it really does work & is a very clever story. I think you do need a second viewing for it, because to start with your going hang on what why is that important, & then when it is important later on you go oh wasnt that referred to earlier. So be on your toes people to sort it out. Multiple viewings are needed.
Bruce the Hyena is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute. He is the best he really is. & i love that he just randomly appears every now & then.
Ewan McGregor i really wanted to punch in the face multiple times in this film. HE was a brilliant bad guy & i didnt trust him for one second at all. Just pure evil. His side kick too ewwwwwwwwwwwww especially with those facials. not nice not nice at all. Some deaths completely unnecessary but he was so sadistic it made sense. There was one point where i did want to give him a hug & then wanted his character dead in a ten second period.
Glitter & paint solve everything & just make everything so fabulous.
The opening cartoon was good too, a good reminder for everyone also sets up the chaotic narration perfectly. the fourth walling had some really effective moments, but as some points they did just do it because they could & you just sat there going ah maybe reduce that a little please. Wasnt entirely consistent.
The bit with the Coke made me laugh a lot it really really did. I have never done it but ive seen enough films & tv & documentaries about it to realise that was pretty spot on. It properly made me giggle. The other bit was during that big fight before the end chase & fight where its liek oh you need a hair band, oh we should get pizza oh this needs to happen now & oh sleepover fun. That was funny how chaotic that was.
Some back story bits were good too properly setting up the women in the DCEU making them now more important than all the guys. Its a really good showing by them to be doing this & sorting it out.
I can understand people will just see this as madness & nonlinial & a waste of time i really can. But it works because it was Harleys story & she told it her way & from that perspective it entirely works.
Embrace the Harley Quinn madness & serve for her & you will just adore this movie, like i do.