Its all been leading to this moment it really has. The most mental idea in the world has taken ten years to get to part one. With part two still to come next year, this could change an awful awful lot. So im prepped im ready & im going to try & give absolutely nothing away, lets do this people.
First of all thank you to the Odeon for my absolutely fabulous Guardians & Thor poster its amazing. I did have to beg the guy checking the tickets for a poster. He said ah these are more for kid or familys then anyone else. So i went oh really so my limitless again doesnt get me any offers oh man. I then told him that this was the last film i had to pay for in 2018 after today any odeon film is now technically free for me. He then went fair enough which poster do you want. Cheers mate.
Now i’ve learnt this with films like this when its the opening friday at a good time. Get there early. So usually on a friday when its a 5pm film i go for a walk & pick up my ticket at 5 get a coffee then head off to the film. But with this nah. I was walking into screen 1 at 5pm, to get a seat, where noone was going to walk past me at no point & i could see the screen well & have lots of leg room sorted. When i got there id say there was about 25 people already there. The adverts didnt even start til 5:15 so you know.
The cinema was full absolutely full, like there were people try to use there flashes on there phones so there friends could find them. So why did a group of kids come in as the film trailers were ending as a group of 5 & then moan that they couldnt sit together. So 2 sat between me & another random in our row who had sat at the end, 2 went into the next row across & one in front. & then 10minutes into the film like while im in shock a kid says to me can you move & swap with my friend?… YOU FUCKING WHAT!!!! okay i didnt quite say that to him, but i told him no its not like your going to talk to him your hear to watch a film. I didnt move. Why should i have to get up pick up all my stuff & move everyone in my row & the row in front just so some 16 year olds who couldnt get here on time, can sit together, when the film has already started. If they had asked before the trailers i may have considered it but still would have told them no. Get there on time people. I dont care if they read this im not ruining my cinema viewing & the others who got there on time for a bunch of snobby teens. They can man up & get on with it & watch the film.
Right sorry thats my rant over.
Trailer wise we had the brand new deadpool one, literally the one that came out on thursday morning, which i now cant watch the first on sky movies (thats a trip to HMV on monday to get that). We had Jurassic World which looks epic, Sherlock Gnomes which im slowly laughing more at which is a bit sad, & Solo i think that was it. We had lots of odeon summer offers on the screen to which was nice.
& then the film started… & thats the end of my review bye people bye have a nice weekend.
Well… as you’ve all now seen it as its made so much money i can talk about it…ish…maybe.
Getting home i just needed to burst seriously i needed to burst. I needed to talk to someone about it & what i had just gone through. Both my parents know whats happening, but mama said she was too far behind & told me to wait until pops went to bed before i could unload. So literally he left the room & i just went for it & i went on & on & i think she fell asleep at one point but i finished & i just sighed with relief. I had shared my feelings about the film with someone & i was suddenly free.
This is not for the casual marvel fan. You need to know your stuff & have done your homework. If you’ve seen a few & have gone yeah im going to infinity wars, good luck to you. You will get stuck so much so so much. But as someone whos seen it all who reads the theory’s who has T-shirts & googles idea & blogs about what should happen, i loved it. So so many easter eggs & references that just made me go ahhhhh yesss or oh thats so clever.
I went in worried about 3 characters who im not going to name that might bite the dust & lets say my intuition on some of them were correct. Some was wrong some was shocking.
I cried, i thought before i sat down i would cry at some point, but it was one particular moment when i just suddenly though oh god im crying & i had done so well upto that point to not cry & as it happened i just got worse for this one particular moment. It was so sad.
It was the quickest 2 hours 30 minutes of my life if im honest. When it ended if you get my i was like what thats it… no wheres the oh my god look at the time yea fair enough.
I got the missing infinity stones location incorrect, which then made me go so where the fuck is it if its not there, this is going to fun. & then when it was found oh the shocks.
This really does change the future of the MCU it really does, are certain things going to happen now, how are they going to do part 2, whats happening next.
& then of course there was the end credit scene. People actually were yelling at people shouting stay dont go why are you leaving. Why!? those teenagers i talked about they left early idiots (see i was right not to move idiots). But then i was Fan Girling at the scene. Oh man I think i screamed oh my fucking god out loud at it. Its going to be epic.
& thats all i can say without spoiling it for anyone.
So was it worth the wait, did it match the hype & expectation, has it given me more questions than answers, is this the longest cinema club review i’ve ever written. YES YES YES.
Absolutely worth everything. I am still shaken from it & dont think i will get over this until part 2 next year, but it was sublime. A serious Golden Buzzer contender… should i go see it again in the cinema… yea i think i might if its on at the right time.
372 days to go