I have saved 7 people money this week. I really have & this film is why.
Ok it doesnt help that your main attraction to this film is going through a very high profile public divorce at the moment, and that originally they thought it was because they had an affair with there co star from this film. So that kinda kills the buzz & hype for it.
So time to guess how many people were in the cinema… remember this is a meerkat wednesday 2 for 1 etc… 12 including me. Yep peek time on a day when getting home is impossible due to a train strike. 12 fucking 12 i know what the hell.
Adverts the new Ben Affleck film looks good, but im not sold on Andrew Garfileds Silence nope sorry wont be watching that.
Now there is a reason trailers exist isnt there to get you to see the film & promote it as epic… this trailer got me to go & watch Allied, thinking it was going to be twisting & turning & really psychological & dark & much more to it… Erm no
I knew exactly where we were going 20mins in then spent the next 1 hour 40mins trying to see where the big twist was coming issue was, there was no twist. Which really made me sad & let me down.
Brad Pitt & Marion Cotillard were both really good & convincing in there roles, which made it believable & compelling & i couldn’t take my eyes off it.
But the trailer advertised a different film to the one i saw & for that im not happy.
Im sure if i had seen a different trailer, i would have come out going yea good film solid both on form & on fire, but no i just came out feeling a bit empty & let down by the whole thing. I wanted so much more with this film, that should have delivered. Issue was it just didnt.
Im sorry but its hype was too much for the film & then it just fell flat.