Been wanting to watch this for a while & thought sister would be interested so when I asked if she wanted to see it she said oh yes but I’ll go with the other half not you… so I offer for them to join me & goes nah your alright.
Thank god my mum fancies watching it so off to Brighton we go, got a limitless card to use after all. & my work scheme too got her a half price ticket. Dad wasn’t even interested at half price. Very unlike him.
Traffic… fucking traffic seriously yes let’s all cue up on the one way system for the first park we see as the other 10 might be full for fuck sake. This is why i avoid my city at the weekend so glad my dad didn’t come with he would have kicked off.
So eventually got to the cinema 2mins into the film which is really difficult to find a seat in the dark we got to tho I did have to yank my mum down as she’d lost me.
The person next to me needed the lou half way through so we had to get up & let her out then back in & then she chatted & then at the end of the film she cried. Not like a silent cry but a proper hump cry. Oh & her phone went off twice. Her boyfriend was properly pissed off with her.
The film was brilliant epic & full of suspense.
Aaron Paul is the ultimate I’m going to act hard but be a pussy character nailed. He was really good, makes me want to watch braking bad (iv never seen it don’t judge me people’s).
Helen Mirren & Alan Rickman were amazing. So was the guy from captain Phillips.
It was proper edge of your seat political military film. Really really good shows some of the world’s best actors at there finest. Dad should have come with us.
Sister enjoyed it too by the way.