My sister messaged me when this came out in america & said have you seen this yet when she knew who was in it & i said no we dont get it for another month & she went bollocks i want to know if its good. So even she was invested in this.
So yea here we are finally 6 weeks later on the opening evening of Wild Robot here in the uk. I tried to go to the LFF to see it but the train & film ticket was extortionate for just doing that, but i missed being in the same room as our man. I am a little bit gutted i didnt go. So lets do this, tissues at the ready.
Trailers, Sonic 3, Wicked, Moana, Paddington & a Mufasa teaser (but not the full trailer). I will probably see all of these. Paddington probably twice.
& then the film started… Twice…
Yes i went to see it twice i saw it friday at 6:10pm & sunday at 10:40am. It was that fucking good.
Thats also why i didnt tell you about he audiences.
Friday night, a few teens but mainly millennials & gen x. We all laughed at all the adult jokes, id say 60% full.
Sunday morning, Sold out, all families. I was lucky to get a ticket if im honest, but i wanted to see it again. The mum next to me asked if she could have a tissue at one point.
So yea the film started… & it was so emotionally beautiful. This is what a kids film is meant to be. This is more than just a film with Pedro’s voice.
& i am going to review this all as 1 thing as i did see it back to back.
I challenge anyone to not watch the migration scene & not cry. The beauty of the animation, the meaning of it, the score. Its simply magical & it just ticks every single box i want for any film ever. This was part of the reason i wanted to see it twice. Just for this moment. The other blubbering moment is the end of the film 100%. That broke me so so much. But i was already a wreck from the migration. I think over all there were at least 3 moments in the film were i cried.
Roz (voiced amazingly by Lupita) had so much emotion. For a robot with no changing facial expression, it really did give off love. What a brilliant creature. How can something so unmoving make you get all the feels.
Did we really need to make Fink that emotional? Pedro voices Fink in this film & its a completely different voice performance from Mando (or Claude if your really in the know). The Fox was so him, especially when he goes WHAT! & Story time & when his little voice breaks. I know Pedro was thinking about Veronica at some of those vulnerable points for sure. It hurt a lot. He goes on such a journey.
In fact every character does. They all have different life lessons to learn on the way. Its good to see how they come together despite differences & how they feel & what they are meant to do. A lesson everyone needs not just the kids in the cinema.
Matt Berry had a full on Lazlo moment & it was wonderful. Loved it! Laughed a lot both times but mainly in the millennial screening as we all got it. We all know about one of our favourite vampires for sure. (i would say favourite but hes not bitey maxie)
Every voice was spot on, all so well performed. I mean Bill Nighy was a fucking goose. But it was drawn in away that the characters brought out the personality’s of their actors. When that falcon spoke at one point it was giving Luther mission impossible vibes.
The score throughout was brilliant. Going from sneaky with Fink, driving with the missions, loving at points, scary at others. It really helped to build the picture of the film.
Not that this was needed. It swapped animation at one point in the film for a different style to prove something. It also for act 3 for the danger & the stakes gave off a red glow of warning. I loved it & how all the animals were drawn too.
I love how it depicted our world too & how we mucked it up, proving a point. Its a bleak future for our species.
Building that hut was so good, the inside of it brilliant & then that whole scene which is chaos is so brilliant, no wonder they recoded & started to animate it first, it was so so good. A feast for they eyes that hut it told such a story.
It made me laugh a lot. The kids jokes were more for like 8 to 10 year olds but all the adult jokes were well received too, it wasnt just cheap joke like minions going banana.
Also please stick around for the end credit scene.
I know im am a Pedro Devote, but this is so much more than just that. Its wonderfully crafted & you can tell everyone who worked on this from voice, to music, to script, to animating to story boarding. Its a work of art & its time for awards season to start acknowledging animation more. Voice acting & animating is a craft, & its not just for kids. Its for everyone.
So so close to hitting the golden buzzer for this, but am i just overly emotional & on the pedro hype… possible. Its spectacular & wonderful to watch. Please go to your cinema peoples & lose yourself in this wilderness & find the AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOO inside you.