i love me some proper british cinema. I really do. Especially political ones. It really a fuck you to the government. & this new Ken Loach film, i think is going to hit all the right notes for sure. So lets go see this on a wednesday night.
First of all, i missed doing evening cineworld movies. It felt so good to go to a 8pm showing. I am now feeling very happy sitting in screen 4 with my cuppa tea i made from home. Im not lowering the average age though. The cinema is people aged between 30 & 60 but id say us millenials have come out for this which is always good.
Trailers, Sumotherhood (im in) the Miracle Club (might do) Wonker (yes) Napoleon (yes) Flower moon (oh yes) Yea that was a good set of films to advertise.
& then the film started…This it the kinda film that the people who need to see it wont & they are the ones who really really do need to watch it.
Its all about the syrian refugees who came over here in the mid 2010s & how they were treated but how some parts of our country are under privileged & not educated enough to understand or respect the struggles they have gone through. Theres a lot of this going on in the world at the moment still. Not just with Syria, but Yeman, Ukraine & now Israel & Gaza & how its the normal every day humans who have just wanted to get on with their lives who have struggled desperately & just are grateful for a plate of food & a mattress to sleep on. It very thought provoking & proves at points how good & how evil us as humans are to people. We are nothing in between which is horrific.
It wasnt just the refugees issues, the main guy in its story was heartbreaking & there were points where i was rooting for him & his world just crumbled around him, so many times. It did show that even those that seem okay & are helpful & put on a smile also can have stuff going on deep down inside them & when someone talks or listen you should just be there for them. Everyone has their own little struggle.
They act their socks off, they really do. You feel like your intruding in a little community at points. Especially with some of the arguments when things start getting personal. Its just hard to watch at points, because you know these kind of people are out in the world & its not good or nice & everyone is allowed to do what they want in life.
That dog was adorable, she was so well behaved.
I am a firm advocate of a beach walk solves all your problems im often standing on the beach on a sunday morning sipping coffee hitting the reset button. Okay not in the extreme this film alludes to at points but still, it works. A beach walk does get rid of all the cobwebs in the wind, rain, sun & snow. Its just soothing. Also yes to a stone & pebble beach woohoo.
I welled up at the end. I didnt cry but i felt for them. nothing needed to be said in the film it was just those people realising who they were & it was beautiful & proves life does go on.
Its a film i dont want to talk about really. You have to see it to get it. Its painful but so is life & proves that we as humans ar amazing & also bastards. Ken has once again stuck to fingers up to the hypocrites & the government. It just works & is solid.