No Spoilers, this only came out on Friday so its unfair to ruin it for you. Come back next christmas when i re-watch it & then i will post a new review for it (sets reminder to rewatch) So this isnt even going to be like a cinema club, just a few lines basically going ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
So it starts with The Pogues Fairy-tale of New York, before leading into something brilliant. & i just tweeted this is automatically a 3.5 star film James Gunn. Didnt think anything else of it. Did my tweet along to it & when i got to the end my verified notifications lit up & it said James Gunn likes your Tweet. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HES DONE IT AGAIN!!!! Yea thats bloody cool. See celebs do search there names & messages online. I told you all so.
I am so glad Kevin Bacon is in it for more than just one scene. That made me feel good. & he bossed it at points.
The music choice & the band song were amazing. It all just so worked & vibed perfectly with the rest of the guardians.
2 Cameos (other than Bacon) which were like ahhhhhhhhhh.
Theres an amazing Bar Scene.
Theres a gift giving section which is so sweet & perfect & does sum up christmas so well. Its amazing, perticullary Groots gifts.
The fake snow, i bloody love. Yes i typed that correctly i loved the fake snow. Yes this is still Popcorn for one you are reading. Ive not lost the plot. It was meant to be there.
& the end awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww perfect.
Seriously a 44min christmas special got so much right about christmas, going above & beyond, but actually all you really want is right in front of you & it doesnt cost a penny.
I laughed & welled up a few times.
It was exactly what i needed tonight & it was amazing & i cant wait to spoil it in a review next year.