I purchased this film when Robin Williams died about a year ago. Iv never seen it so I was really looking forward to viewing this. Also it’s a Christopher Nolan film who is apparently the man who brought you momento… I need to see it I don’t have it guess what I’m going to go get this weekend ( it also has my mate Guy Pearce in it)
Any how back to insomnia. First of all I had no idea it was light all day in the summer in
Alaska wow I want to go tho it probably would do my head in. I’m a bad sleeper anyhow.
Al Pacino performance as the lead detective is unnerving scary & strange. It doesn’t help with the insomnia but that just adds more layers to his character. The fact that he isn’t sure by the end of the film if he meant to kill his partner or not as he has become so dazed & confused & tired. He is at heart a good cop but the more the film moves along you realise why he is in this position & no one really trusts him now.
Robin Williams turns up half way through the film in person after a brief appearance on the phone. I want to know if he did the log run or if it was a stunt man or did Christopher Nolan do it? He does like to do those things. Anyhow whoever it was all power to them.
The way he describes killing the girl, that it was out of fear & love, is not only like Pacinos character with his partner, but in some way his own death in real life. He loved everyone to much that he didn’t want them to suffer & he felt pain.
Hillary Swank is too old to be an up & coming detective she spends half her time admiring Pacino I think just in life not just character ways, & mapping around doing nothing. Then for the last 20mins of the film she actually takes a full on interest into everything when she works out Pacino did it.
Some of the scenery is beautiful & breathtakingly stunning. What a place to live, I can see why people want to escape to it.
I swear everyone who has trouble sleeping in films & life has the biggest fucking alarm clock iv ever seen. & it’s always green.
This film was so clever. It does make you think if the deaths were accidents or plans. All of the right people get their comeuppance & it’s the correcting ending proving that the cops aren’t corrupt.
I hate you Christopher Nolan I really do you clever bastard.