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So i had no intention on doing this but i have. Every bank holiday weekend has started with a trip to the cinema, one even ended with one. Yep i have done that this year. Christmas will be chaos so im not even thinking im gonna do that, but i will be at the cinema during the festive break.
here are the films ive seen for the bank holidays
The Electrical Life of Louis Wain
The Lost City
Unbearable weight of Massive Talent (twice {JAVI THAT ALL YOUR FAULT})
yeah me good. So lets go see Uncle Idris wrestle a lion shall we.

There are not many people in here for the 6pm screening of this. I thought Idris brought the people in. Id say theres about 20 people in screen 1 for this. a proper mix of ages from 15 to mid 60s too. I wouldnt say one age had more than others.

Trailers Oppenheim (do you need to ask), Dont Worry Darling (yes) Smile (maybe) Bodies Bodies Bodies (seen it so weird when that happens it really is) & the woman king (yes) now that is an interesting set of trailers isnt it.

& then the film started… & unfortunately my film nerd brain no matter how hard i tried, i couldnt actually turn it off to just enjoy it & i picked up on some stuff that i was angry at myself for.

So i dont mean to but my mind makes me try & guess with these films as to whats going to happen in the last part of act 3 within the first 15mins. I try hard not to but there are some films that make it so obvious that you cant not notice it. This film referenced 5 things in the opening 15minutes which were either called back or used at the end of act 3 & it ticked them off in bloody order. It really was just ticking boxes & when we got to the 2nd i was like oh god its going to be all of them. So to the world of film, is it just me that picks up on that, or did you all do that. Answers on a post card or carrier pigeon please.

So Idris was good as per, however there was that big hooohaaaa about hi daughter not getting a role to not having the right chemistry with him & the fall out over that. Did she not get the job because she had too much. I mean i know those kids are meant to be distant at the start, but even during the reconciliations & loving moments, there wasnt any. I have no idea why that was the case. They had more of a relationship with Sharlto. Sharlto was bloody good by the way he was the best bit of the film. Whenever he was on screen he was brilliant & stole the show.

I’ve seen worse CGI animals, but the lions isnt the best either. There were points where it was good like prowling in the distance, but any attack moment was just like nah im not having that. I mean its still better than a faceless CGI hoard we are now so use to but it could have been better.

The final showdown could have been so much more epic & out there, but if anything they dragged it out slowly & then when it got to it, it was so quick & very messy. It was like it had been edited by the Jason Bourne people. For Bourne that works but for this no it doesnt. & then bang it was done & i was like really.

There was one moment which put me on the edge of my seat when hes walking through the lake, thats bloody stressful, but that was it. For all the moments it was meant to be intense, it only delivered once.

I get that it was about building family ties & roots & memories & sorting out lives, but it could have done that without a lion attack, just living in the home land & getting to know the people from there. Okay yes one of the main villages is pretty grim that they visit, but still could have been a bit more homely for us to care about this family.

The photography section of the film, that was nice i liked that. As someone who loves a good photo & how the light captures items, i really did appreciate that.

We didnt spend enough time with the poachers either. I mean i know they werent that important, but it was all their fault this was happening. A bit more of their back ground other than them just being poachers would have been good.

This is a bang average film if im honest. It had its moments, but its nothing to write home about if im honest. Its the kind of film that if i flick the channels in years to come & its on film 4 i will put it on as background noise as i write review & briefly pop my head up over my lap top to see whats happening when it gets to a good bit.

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