Letterboxd i have heard you for the last 6 weeks to watch this when we get this. I have & ive waited & waited & i even missed an advanced preview (a Liverpool quadrupole trophy hall is still on the cards as i go to see this thanks to Man Citys draw last night). So here we go on a monday night, ive avoided so much about this so lets see if it matches the hype.
Proper mixed age range in here, obviously word has got out that this is something special & something you need to see at the cinema. Id say mainly millennials like me & lots off odd ones dotted about. But a large group in the row in front of me & row behind & a group who came to sit next to me (the rest of my row was all but empty by the way).
Trailers, Elvis (yes) Men (yes) Good luck Leo (yes) & top gun (ahhh i have this now booked in screen x for next week).
& then the film started… but not quite as after the BBFC logo, it then came up with a separate warning saying this film has lots of strobe moments & one moment in particular which could cause issues, please leave & ask for a refund if you think this will effect you… Wow not seen one of those before. I mean it needed it. I think the whole film needed it. What an amazing Mind fuck that was.
So lets skip to the end of the film when everyones leaving the cinema. The group next to me got up & left straight away not saying much. The group in front of me sat there & went well im not sure you recommended that mate, that was not a good film, the hell was that about. at the exact same time as that the group behind me sat there & one of them actually stood up arms stretched like the Mitchells’ & went behold cinema, & they were discussing it being the best thing they had seen since interstellar. So you fall in one of two categories with this film, the hell or the hell that was epic… i am the latter.
I tried to avoid as much as i could about the film before going in (although being apart of the letterboxd family thats been hard) but im glad as when stuff happened i was like ahhhhhh i get that random gif or meme now or what that persons been on about. I also kind of dont want to write too much about it as i think its something you need to watch to understand. What ever i write will just be like so what. That being said in my mini reviews i do for my Instagram i did write a whole page which doesnt happen that often.
The best universe other than the current one we are all apart of is the one with Rocks… that was so sweet & lush & so much had gone on before that, that it was nice to stop & take stock for a few minutes. A moments reflection for those involved was needed as much for them as it was the rest of us. Loved it.
There was one point where i was laughing at something so much that i think i was cry laughing, it was full on in the laugh respect, just when you thought they had done it all bang something else happened or it referenced something that had happened. I mean i want expecting a disney film which is a sleeper modern classic to be so referenced, but i loved it.
& then bang it hits you with a couple of things & i was sitting there crying tears of love & pain & feeling very emotional & happy with my life & even tho my family isnt perfect, how my relationships are with them all & that i am loved. That hit & hurt. & when a film can go from one extreme to another in a couple of scenes, really shows that it is perfectly balanced & wonderful & is a force to be reckoned with. I did text & message everyone the next morning saying i love them & appreciate them (didnt think theyd want that txt at midnight might have alarmed them & worried them).
The three parts were brilliant. usually doing a film like that is a bit like oh okay, but each one as much as they all relied on the others all had a very certain theme & worked so well.
Despite the universe hopping & the random stuff that happens in them, there is still a very human & loving story at the heart of this film which just works & is epic & its acted so well. Its more than just going to a world with hot dogs for hands & piano playing toes, its about acceptance & life & love & being happy with what you have got. IT had all of that but the thing you were most invested in was their family story. Modern life explained well.
The fights when they did happen were well choreographed & put together & worked well. It just all fitted together & some had epic music some were gritty & they did happen all over the place but it never felt like there was too many of them or it was just for the sake of it at all. It worked.
There were some good actual life lessons & metaphors for them & it just went for it. However at the end of the film, as much as they all learn their lessons that happen through the film as a whole, they dont learn the lesson at the start of it, which was the point of the whole film to start with. Which proved they really were only human after all.
Ive always not like Bagels, & now i have a reason for hating them hehe. See i bloody told you.
Goggly eyes make everything so much better (especially when you click its been watched on letterboxd & it comes up as one)
So was it worth the hype… yes
Was it a joy… yes
Was it a mind fuck… yes
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness wishes it could wish was as coherent as this film. This is the multiverse film we all expected from that, but we didnt get it. Getting this instead is the reward we all need.
My hand is raising & hoovering over that buzzer… it was bloody fantastic & i will tell everyone to go & see it. Even if you do fall on the the hell side of the spectrum, i think you will still leave a better person that when you walked in.